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All Content by JakeH

  1. Hi, Anyone else on these threads applying to NU's April 2012 cohort in San Diego? How do you feel about TEAS V? I wish you all luck . I'm not so sure I'll get in :uhoh21:. I scored a 70.6% (slightly higher than National's average across the US and fo...
  2. Definitely re-apply; guaranteed acceptance scores are right around 84-85%-you can do it!!
  3. Some follow up:I called "You Know Who" today and discussed my overall score and the cut off scores. I earned a 78.56 overall score, and the cut off for guaranteed admission to cohort 30 was a 84.04 (alternates scored a minimum of 82.14 points). I got...
  4. Thanks for the info and for the encouragement-I may just re-take A/P I while I study and wait to take the TEAS again (plus the class will be a good refresher for the life science and chem questions that we saw). Either way I'll get the study guide fr...
  5. I am curious as to what the cut off is...I have a "C" in A/P 1 (lecture and lab) and "B"'s in A/P II, Micro, and an A- in Biostats. I can't re-take my A/P 1 course since my grade wasn't low enough. :/ I calculated my score pre-essay and I was at 62.7...
  6. Got my letter-as expected, denied. This time I'm going to get the ATI study guide for v.5 of the TEAS for the April deadline. Best of luck to everyone else!
  7. Mine still says, "In Review"...I'm guessing we'll find out by Monday?
  8. Today's the day...still anticipating a denial, but best of luck to everyone else!! :yelclap:
  9. OK-so I broke down and called "You-Know-Who" about our application status and she was very sweet and understanding. She explained that ALL results will be posted this Friday by midnight and we will receive emails notifying us that our application sta...
  10. Fingers crossed for an answer today...
  11. Well, you're in better shape than I am going into this point-wise. I live in Hillcrest, so RB is about 20 minutes away. Are you close to RB?
  12. Still nothing....I keep checking my SOAR portal but my status says, "Submitted." I hear that once they're about to change your application status you will either see something that says "Test Completed" or "In Review"...nothing in email either....
  13. I would definitely be down with some study sessions if we don't get in. I'd love to score in the 80's to boost my overall points (plus it;d be nice to have an "Advanced" score versus a "Proficient" one) Do you guys have the TEAS v. 5 study guide? I h...
  14. Yes I believe it is for cohort 31.
  15. I did email Ms. M personally (way back in December after taking the test), but only to inquire about the TEAS fees and asking about when I could re-apply if I didn't make it in this go-through (I read that the TEAS testing fees were covered by Nation...
  16. I wonder if anyone's ever scored a 5/5 on the essay? Or even 4.5? (for example, if one instructor gave you a 4 and the other gave you a 5, would it average out to 4.5?) I agree that it's very frustrating not knowing what they grade you on! "You-know-...
  17. Just curious, do you remember where you read that people were being accepted with total scores in the 70's for cohort 29? I'd love to read some replies just to feel reassured. :)
  18. I really hope the cut off is right at 80% for this cohort...If I score well on my essay I just might barely make it. I wonder how the TEAS average affected the cut off since this was the toughest version released...
  19. I was under the impression that you calculate your GPA using unit points. For example, each core lecture class is worth a total of 4.5 points. You take your grade point for each lecture (ie. “A”= 4 points, "B"=3 points, etc.) and multiply the grade r...
  20. Hi Lotsapasta: I don't think you'll have any issues getting in with your high GPA and points prior to the essay. I calculated that I have a 62.75 prior to my essay , so I figured I'll have to score an 86.25% (or point score of 17.25) on my essay to h...
  21. ...and I'm sure you'll have no trouble getting in with your points pre-essay. :)
  22. Yes, I believe I am in the mid-sixties so I'm going to have to score an 85% on my essay to have an 80 point overall score. I've heard so many different things that I don't know what to believe, but if the total points for acceptance is in the low 70'...
  23. You never know! There were people on previous threads who scored a D+ average on the TEAS (ver. 5) and had similar grades and they still got accepted. I think a lot of it falls on your essay and the number of applicants for each cohort. I agree that ...
  24. Hi Jennbraemer, I haven't heard anything yet but with your grades and TEAS score I'm sure you'll be fine! If I hear anything I'll let you know. :)
  25. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    Hi rleetch, Ah, I must have gotten confused. You are right. If I don't make it in to the April cohort I can still reapply and re-take the TEAS (I'm thinking not much notice will be given) :) before the April deadline. I did take the TEAS V and the pr...