RainDreamer BSN, RN


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All Content by RainDreamer

  1. RainDreamer

    Hospitals in Yuma area

    Check out this thread, it's from a couple of months ago, but there's some good information in there. Yuma Regional Medical Center + New Grad RN opinions
  2. RainDreamer

    3 baby assignments

    HOLY CRAP!! I woulda said "no way!!"
  3. RainDreamer

    True? --> "RN's Can Work 3Days/Wk And Make A Good Salary!"

    I'm working at the wrong hospital!!
  4. RainDreamer

    True? --> "RN's Can Work 3Days/Wk And Make A Good Salary!"

    Nurses are overworked and underpaid, I definitely agree with that. BUT, don't get too discouraged by some of the responses that you'll get. I actually really love my job and I make decent money. It's not to say that some shifts aren't tough, but more...
  5. RainDreamer

    Survey: How do you get a life outside of work?

    I work 3 12s and I do them all in a row. During that 3 day stretch all I really do is work/sleep/eat. But then I have 4 days off that are ALL MINE! I really make the most out of those 4 days .... catch up with family/friends, housework, TV, and al...
  6. RainDreamer

    Funny/happy NICU moments needed

    This cracked me up! We had one of our neurosurgeons run into the door before LOL. He rang the bell and thought it would automatically open, failing to recognize that we first had to open the door for him. We were all "it's not brain surgery!"
  7. RainDreamer

    Petite Nurses

    I once took care of a 12 pounder ..... that was pretty back-breakin' for me, whew! I'm sure you'll do fine, I know many petite nurses that haven't had problems. Hope you like U of A, good luck to you!
  8. RainDreamer

    3 baby assignments

    Oops, sorry about my other post, it was kinda hurried. We have an "intermediate" level nursery that's in between the unit and the step-down. Those kids are stable, but still have IVs, running fluids, can even be on HFNC, etc. Those kids are 1:2. Real...
  9. RainDreamer

    3 baby assignments

    We never have three babies if we're in the unit ..... all those kids are real sick/unstable and are either 1:1 or 1:2. In the step-down intermediate unit we always have three. Three of these kids is manageable though. They are on full feeds, no IVs...
  10. RainDreamer

    Tossing Your Cookies...

  11. RainDreamer

    Tossing Your Cookies...

    Toilets do it for me too! Toilets and snot
  12. RainDreamer

    OMG i passed!!!!

    Congratulations to you, RN!! :)
  13. RainDreamer

    Carseats for premies less than 5 pounds

    Yep, those carebeds are pricey! Fortunately, no the parents don't have to buy them. Luckily we have a huge unit and many programs, one of those programs helps fund the carbeds.
  14. RainDreamer

    Carseats for premies less than 5 pounds

    We send a lot of kids home that are less than 5 pounds ....... they all go home in carbeds.
  15. RainDreamer

    Nurse in Spain Makes Fatal Mistake in NICU

    Awesome system btw, we use the same thing. My heart goes out to that family.
  16. RainDreamer

    Relocating to Phoenix..is ANYONE hiring???

    Congrats to you!
  17. RainDreamer

    Micro Paper (Vent)

    I agree. Please go talk with the professor, so they can explain the things you don't understand. Hang in there and good luck!
  18. RainDreamer

    I PASSED NCLEX-RN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please Read!!!!!!!!!!!

    Awesome!! Congratulations, RN!! :)
  19. The 6 rights are important, but mistakes can still happen. It's also imperative to look up each medication that you aren't familiar with, to check correct dosing, compatibility, adverse reactions, indications, etc, etc.
  20. RainDreamer

    What's the deal with the 25 test items that aren't scored?

    25 test questions that aren't scored? I've never head of that, but then maybe they've changed it since I took it 4 years ago
  21. The parents
  22. RainDreamer

    EMS abuse: The Ride to get High

    They do so because they can (and do) get away with it.
  23. RainDreamer


    I've only had to float once (to couplet care, where we just take the babies) in my 3+ years at my current hospital. Our unit is so busy we rarely ever have any extra nurses. Works for me because I hate floating!
  24. RainDreamer

    Low census anyone?

    We're not too bad. We have some slow spurts, but that just means we don't have as much OT available as before. Our census isn't packed like usual, but we have lots of sick kiddos that are 1:1, so that keeps us still using about 35 nurses/shift.
  25. RainDreamer

    Formula / Breast Milk Fortification and Protein Supplements

    All of the formula is mixed up in the formula room by the techs. We use HMF or formula powder to fortify EBM. The formula room also sends us packets of weighed out powder for each baby, depending on the calories that need to be added, so we just ad...