RainDreamer BSN, RN


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About RainDreamer

RainDreamer has 20 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in NICU.

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  1. RainDreamer

    Texting with Flo

    This is
  2. RainDreamer


    Thanks for posting this, I'm wondering the same things! Also wondering what made people decide to take this certification? I've been a NICU nurse for 8 yrs and just need a challenge, I guess ........
  3. RainDreamer

    High frequency vents on your unit

    Both. Whatever the kiddo needs at that
  4. RainDreamer


    Same as NicuGal, we have to get it out of the Pyxis, scan it and sign off with another RN. We use it mainly for lab
  5. RainDreamer

    NICU...Now what?

    That was wild to go back and read, lol. Not sure if it will help you .... it's pretty wordy, but it was my experience....
  6. RainDreamer

    NICU...Now what?

    You sound just like me! NICU was the least of my choices, and yet I got stuck with it for my preceptorship. Here I am now though ..... over 8 years of being a NICU nurse! Hmm, I think I wrote a...
  7. RainDreamer

    Thanks to NICU Nurses

    Awww, that is so nice to hear!! Glad he is doing well. I know the hospitals would love an update and pictures, if you haven't already. And thank you, for being a dedicated and involved parent ........
  8. RainDreamer

    Question for those who do head/body cooling

    36 wks and they have to meet all the other
  9. RainDreamer

    What nipple do you use for thickened formula

    We don't thicken breast milk. With thickened formula we use a fast flow or a crosscut. We also use the VentAire bottles for thickened feedings, as it doesn't take as much work to bring down the...
  10. RainDreamer

    ET Tube suction.

    Ask for help if you don't feel comfortable. I agree with another poster that said ask for help, but YOU do the do the suctioning ..... the other person will be there for assistance and answering any...
  11. RainDreamer

    Please help with Delee suctioning :(

    We don't routinely delee suction. And when it's necessary, the NNP or neo usually does it. You're right in asking for someone else to do it if you don't feel comfortable. It's more than "you just...
  12. RainDreamer

    I want to be a CRNA so what!!!

    If it's your dream, make it happen! Don't let others discourage you, they don't matter. Good luck to you, I wish you all the
  13. RainDreamer

    NICU monitor event review

    No, we have nothing like that in place. I just don't see the advantage of something like this? How do you know if these events were even real if they weren't witnessed? And also, what were the...
  14. RainDreamer

    Hepatitis shots given to micropreemies

    What Jolie said. If they're not exposed we wait until they are 2 kg before giving them the Hep B vaccine, if parents consent. If they are under 2 kg at discharge, they get it in the peds
  15. A no call/no show was automatic termination at the grocery store I worked at in high school. If they don't have the courtesy to call in, because they're fed up with the way they're treated, then they...