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  1. Hopkins new hire

    ljenki328, what unit were you hired for? and what form of transportation will you be using to get to work? I currently have a car up here with me but I live downtown and I'm debating on using the...
  2. Johns Hopkins new nurse

    The e-mail came either a day or two at most after I got my official e-mail offer ( I was extended a verbal offer initially the day of my interview). That day I received an e-mail with how to set up...
  3. John Hopkins! RN/UAP.

    @MajesticRN I was offered the position at the very end of September but I had an interview the next day with Meyer 3 (a general psychiatric unit) and was offered a RN NCI position in my unit of choice...
  4. John Hopkins! RN/UAP.

    Okay I was almost hired for that position and did not have a CNA license at the time so DO NOT worry. Following a job offer, just go to the Maryland Board of Nursing (the CNA department) and apply in...
  5. Johns Hopkins new nurse

    Congratulations! It feels surreal, doesn't it?! When do you start orientation?! I hope my orientation group will be a fun close knit group because with the SPRING program you're stuck for a year with...
  6. CONGRATS everyone!! When do y'all
  7. Hopkins new hire

    Hey! Congrats on your job! Unfortunately I only know a few people and they all have roommates as of now. I live at the Avalon Centerpoint apartment complex downtown. It's two blocks up from Pratt...
  8. No it's really easy once you get on Orleans St. (But I live in DT Baltimore so it's like less than 2miles away). Once you get in the parking tower it's very easy to find nurse recruitment and there...
  9. Hopkins new hire

    Yes we actually moved up here September 16. I'm from New Orleans, moved to the D.C. with two of my classmates (both RNs) but none of us had that much luck with jobs so we decided Baltimore would have...
  10. oh y'all have got this! RELAX and be yourself. The nurse managers purposely do the interview in as relaxed as an environment as
  11. Hopkins new hire

    AH congrats! What unit did you get a job in? I just met two other new grads who will be starting on Halloween as well when I went to get my physical and go to the M Board of Nursing for compact...
  12. haha definitely use that as a makes them laugh. 4A is a great place to start off in. Once you're in with Hopkins it's a lot easier to work on another unit then trying to get into the...
  13. I was offered the UAP position which I was really grateful for but when I knew I had an interview with the psych unit I could not pass that up. Psych and OB/PEDS are my two main interests (as of...
  14. haha yes Weinberg4a was my first interview...I liked it but pysch is my primary choice so when I was offered the RN position I couldn't pass it up. Think of Weinberg4a as like a surgical floor. It's...
  15. Haha no you're fine! Haha are you interviewing for a surgical oncology unit like Weinberg 4a? What I did was actually type the unit specifically in a search engine and the nurse managers name popped...