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About Peachy720

trying to figure out which nursing school to attend. At this rate, I'll never start NS!

Latest Activity

  1. Has anyone tried Turbo Jam?

    I wonder what you decided on.. Wow, what a difference a year makes!! I got the Turbo Jam Maximum Results and Elite Fat Burning Packages a couple of weeks ago. I LOVE them!! I actually look forward to...
  2. LSUHSC CARE Program Information

    Don't feel guilty! Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you! Go and celebrate!! I'll be sending vibes to the mailman for you,
  3. LSUHSC CARE Program Information

    I didn't get in. I'm pretty broken right now. Good luck to you
  4. LSUHSC CARE Program Information

    EEEEEEE!! Okay, NOW the nervousness is setting in!! I'll be sending happy thoughts and vibes for all of us! We've worked hard, and it's our time to shine!! Mail already passed here today, but I'll be...
  5. LSUHSC CARE Program Information

    When I saw her last summer, Mrs. P said letters would be mailed out in May. (Hopefully, EAAAAARLY May! ) I'm so nervous, you guys! For me, I'm equally as scared about financial aid. I'd gotten into my...
  6. LSUHSC CARE Program Information

    Whew! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I feel SO much better!
  7. LSUHSC CARE Program Information

    I'm still stalking the mailman as well! Have you guys filled out the FAFSA yet? I'm such a
  8. LSUHSC Fall 2008

    hi tumblinswiss!! I'm so sorry you were waitlisted! Did you apply for CARE or the normal BSN program? I applied for the CARE program--still haven't heard anything yet. Don't give up hope!! I was...
  9. LSUHSC CARE Program Information

    Hi! Here's a good thread about LSUHSC: Hopefully Ray can pop in and tell us how his second...
  10. TEAS Test for LSUHSC CARE applicants?

    Hehe, the head of the CARE program beat you guys. Got an email about five minutes after I sent it. Sorry to have jumped the gun. Now I have to worry about the cover letter, letter of intent, and the...
  11. Hi guys!! Called LSUHSC, the Student Affairs office didn't know, so the first thing I thought of was to pop on here and ask. I know all BSN students are required to take the TEAS test--do the CARE...
  12. How Will You Stay Organized?

    Here's a great thread going on right now. Learned a lot from it. :)
  13. Getting a "W" on your transcript?

    I wouldn't sweat it. If it was from your early years, and you've shown vast improvement from then, they'll know "the real you." Take it from me. I literally had 19 W's on my transcript from the five...
  14. Class of 2010 (starting nursing school in Fall 2008)

    Hi everybody!! Yay, other people to "nervous" with for a year! I'm HOPEFULLY starting next fall. Pretty frustrated with myself, as I finished my pre-reqs and first degree back in Fall 2006. I set my...
  15. Hey Ray!!! Just wanted to bump up the thread and tell you I was thinking of you. Hope you had a great Family Day/Orientation yesterday. How did it go? I'm dying to hear details! Good luck on your...