Heart 2 serve

Heart 2 serve

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About Heart 2 serve

New Grad

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  1. I am looking into becoming an advice nurse at an outpatient urgent clinic. What is the scope of practice for this? What should I search for in terms of getting my state's scope of practice? I'm in the...
  2. New Grad NICU Support Thread

    What would you suggest I do as a new graduate waiting to get an offer in the NICU. What can I do to better myself as a candidate? Are there specifics that the NICU unit look for for new graduates who...
  3. New grad starting in LTC

    I just started as new grad in LTC and your advice here is soo pertinent to what I am going through. Thank you much. Hope I can contact you if I come across other questions. =):redbeathe:redbeathe YOU...
  4. Advice to the LTC nurse...

    Do you have a specific author you would suggest for the s/s and algorithism
  5. Any tips for long term care?

    So how have your experience been? Still working in LTC? I feel exactly how you feel and and researching on what can be of great advice for a situation as
  6. LTC & Skilled Nursing Facilities

  7. LTC Salary for new grad RN

    Yes it's understandable with all the differences, but there is a downside of working night shifts. Your sleep pattern is off and plus social life is no where to be found. :/ Karen thanks for...
  8. Jobless in Portland

    Yes, I'm still on the waiting list to get in as a volunteer. . unheard of for volunteer. . =/ I figure its probably because of the 6 months - 1 year commitment they require that is why their volunteer...
  9. Advice on Interview!

    Also remember you have over time too!
  10. LTC Salary for new grad RN

    Thank you for replying. Are you getting paid differentials for nights and

    Do you know if this is with differentials for nights and
  12. LTC & Skilled Nursing Facilities

    Wow, well the government site rate them 4 out of 5 stars so I don't know what to say with
  13. New Grad RN in LTC Needs Advice Please!!

    I'm in
  14. Advice on Interview!

    In your situation since you already have a job (although its not something of what you want for now) you can negotiate because it isn't like your that desperate to take it if it is a pay cut....
  15. LTC & Skilled Nursing Facilities

    Do you know if Avamere pays differentials or its a flat