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About 843all4God

843all4God has 10 years experience.

I have around 11 years of experience in nursing. Have been a mother (adding new children)..... throughout my journey. Started as a LPN, obtained ADN, obtained BSN, and now planning on Masters/FNP! I love learning and I love nursing and enjoy furthering options.

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  1. Capella University

    No :
  2. Capella RN to MSN practicum?

    So you don't have to sit one on one for a designated 100 hours? You just have to be able to communicate, review, the project etc? Overall, how would you rate your experience? Did you do flex path or...
  3. Capella University

    Has anyone provided you any
  4. Capella University

    Would you be so kind to break down how the practicum component works? Any information would be
  5. Capella University

    Could explain a little more about the practicum component? It was explained to me that it isn't 100 hours of one on one time. I'm trying to figure out how much time I'd have to be away from work etc....
  6. Can you explain to me what the practicum consisted of? I was told it's not 100 hours of one on
  7. Capella RN to MSN practicum?

    Did you ever find out any info on the
  8. Chamberlain FNP clinical

    I can't do UTA because it's only offered in Texas. I'm starting Chamberlain in
  9. FNP Graduate from Chamberlain College of Nursing Dec 2015

    I'm sure you are wanting the recent graduate to respond but I thought I'd also respond. You have your foundation and training. If you enjoy psych, why not focus in on the FNP program and stay in that...
  10. Chamberlain FNP clinical

    Well... I've officially been accepted to Chamberlain. I like that they are equally accredited. Chamberlain allows you to do clinical hours where you work. Frontier will not. Chamberlain has one...
  11. FNP Graduate from Chamberlain College of Nursing Dec 2015

    After I submitted this to you, I thought about that. Thanks again! I know I'm thinking in advance but I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to make all of this
  12. FNP Graduate from Chamberlain College of Nursing Dec 2015

    I have an additional question. Just wondering if you know the answer. The clinical component (125 hrs) is 8 weeks x's 5, for a total of 10 months basically. Can you speed up the hours for the clinical...
  13. FNP Graduate from Chamberlain College of Nursing Dec 2015

    One more question. Did you use all
  14. FNP Graduate from Chamberlain College of Nursing Dec 2015

    You rock AGAIN! Good
  15. FNP Graduate from Chamberlain College of Nursing Dec 2015

    You rock!!! Ty so much for that input! Puts me at ease and makes sense now!! Congrats congrats!! Are you working anywhere now? Again, thank you for taking the time to give me this