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All Content by SarasotaRN2b

  1. BSN program in Sarasota/Bradenton?

    I know that. I wrote that a couple of nurses (i.e. RNs) are going for their BSN. I think that on the west coast if you are going straight for the BSN you either need to go to further south (Gulf Coast) or up to Tampa at either USF or University of T...
  2. Hospials to work at in Bradenton area

    Yeah, I'm still with every place there are pluses and minuses, right? I think that as long as I stay down here in FLA, I will stay there. The pay isn't too bad. I'm not a nurse yet so I'm not privy to how much people actually work, but...
  3. Calling Docs by their first name...

    I totally agree. For the OP, if they ask you to call them by their first name...fine do so (definitely makes them more approachable), but I also agree with the using their proper title when in front of patients. Kris
  4. What MedSurg book are you using?

    Me too! Kris
  5. I have to agree with the posters above...also, even if there were, you would really be doing yourself a major disservice if you did go into a nursing program without at least A&P and microbiology. There are many nursing students that have taken ...
  6. Does C really = RN?

    I won't deny that I am striving for A's...however, I definitely feel that if I understand the information and am able to apply what I am learning, I won't be upset with a lower grade. As we all know, nursing school isn't the same as "regular school,...
  7. Advice For Pre-nursing Students

    Hi sherriberry1, I'm 6 weeks from the finish line of my first semester:yeah::yeah:, and what I would definitely recommend you doing is to review your A&P. If you've done well in them great, but look through those areas that may have given some e...
  8. Transition from ortho to SICU

    I would definitely consider this position. As the poster states, in ortho you will have a lot of follow up with trauma cases, and if it is somewhere that you really want to work...DO IT! The first year is going to be tough enough, but if you have ...
  9. Phlebotomy or Health Unit Coordinator

    Out of those two choices, I would say HUC. As a HUC, I have found that it has helped in learning something about charting (a major part of nursing) and it gives you an opportunity to really work with the nurses of your unit. As a phlebotomist, whil...
  10. help with pharm class =(

    Does your instructor use application type of questions? Mine that means that just like the nursing process/med surg questions, you need to use critical thinking. Not only know the drugs you need to but when they would apply and any specia...
  11. shift diff

    Depending on the hospital: M-F 7 am-3 pm 1st shift M-F 3 -m-11 pm 2nd shift M-F 11 pm-7 am 3rd shift S-S 7 am-3pm 2nd shift S-S 3 pm-11 pm 3rd shift S-S 11 pm-7 am 4th shift my hospital: base - $1.25 - $2.25 - $2.75
  12. What is good time management ???

    Is it your supervisors that are saying that you don't have good time mgmt skills? I would suggest that you speak with them and get some detailed info on what they are requesting. I guess if I was in this position, I would ask these nurses who are ...
  13. Job while going to school?

    Hi Sarah, Since you aren't in the program yet, my suggestion would be to try to get your CNA and work on a hospital floor. While I have experience as a health unit clerk which helps me with some things while I am on clinical...had I worked as a CNA,...
  14. Job while going to school?

    Are you in nursing school now? I would definitely suggest that unless you have to work, to wait until after your first semester. Many hospitals will hire you after you finish your first semester as a Patient care assistant. Do you have health car...
  15. Age limit?

    I was just curious about if there is an age limit for nurses looking at joining the reserves. At our Health Fair today at our CC, there was a Army Reserve Recruitor that spoke with one of my classmates. She is 46 and according to him, they would ac...
  16. Age limit?

    Thank you!
  17. When should I take boards/start a new job?

    I would definitely suggest your taking the NCLEX as soon after you graduate as possible. You'll still be in a study mode. I've noticed that with that many of the new nurses we have on the floor, did jusst that and passed...while those who waited di...
  18. Are my ears broken?stethoscope bad?

    When you tap on the diaphragm, are you able to hear that? As long as you have the ear pieces turned the right way, you should definitely hear the apical pulse. Just like natania suggested, check your tubing. Kris
  19. Exhausted

    Actually, I think it depends on whether you work days or nights...personally, I feel that whether you work 3 days in a row or 2 days and then another, it is very different than when you work the nights. Pretty much for nights that first day is almos...
  20. I have never been nasty to a student until now!!!

    That is a major no-no! :nono: The only major exception would be if there was some family emergency and they gave you advanced notice. It is good that you said something. What semester is the student in? This is something that should be drilled in ...
  21. Hospitals The Only Choice For New Grads?

    It really depends on the hospital...some hire LPNs, some don't. On the cardiac floor we actually have some LPNs that near do everything the RN does. They do have some advanced certifications. Kris
  22. PCT while in NS at hospital...transition to RN

    I've been working in my current department for over a year now. I'm pretty happy with the hospital although I do give thought of moving back up to NY one of these days (I live in FL now). Kris
  23. PCT while in NS at hospital...transition to RN

    I definitely got a lot out of it. Between learning to read rhythms on the monitors and working with the nurses, it has been a good experience. I just look forward to spreading my wings and working more with the patients. Because of the monitors, I...
  24. PCT while in NS at hospital...transition to RN

    I'm currently a nursing student in my first semester, and working as a cardiac monitor tech/unit clerk in a hospital. It is my hope to cross train this summer as a PCA. From what I am hearing from the nurses I work with, becoming a PCA and actually...
  25. I love the NICU

    Sounds like you had a great experience, Bryan. Good for you and your initiative. Kris