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About Ranaynay

Ranaynay specializes in EMT.

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  1. Is this too much?

    Speaking from experience, I would say take A&P separate from microbiology in the summer. These classes are your foundation for your future career, you really want to focus and KNOW the material....
  2. CSU Channel Islands Spring 2012

    Satellite nurses ! How is the program going ? Is it what you expected ? I hope to hear from you guys
  3. chemistry question

    I'm guessing 102 is general chem with organic and biochem as well ?Introductory chem is definitely pretty easy, you go at a much slower pace. I took intro chem last summer and I am in fundamentals of...
  4. ouch my brain hurts lol

    That's funny, i'm in medical microbiology right now, and I have to say i think it's the hardest class i've taken out of Anatomy, physiology, and chemistry
  5. ASU Spring 2010 Mayo Clinic

    First of all-- Congratulations for getting in and sticking through it all, what an accomplishment ! And happy early birthday !(what day in April?) You are an ANGEL.! I appreciate you taking time out...
  6. ASU Spring 2010 Mayo Clinic

    energizerbunny, I was just wondering what happened in regards to your situation ? I would love to hear where the rest of your story lead to
  7. *Microbiology Spring 2012*

    Momtojosh, I think you just need to take a deep breath and break all your questions up, work on one at a time. I've found that pneumonics work wonders when needing to memorize the information. Also,...
  8. *Microbiology Spring 2012*

    Great idea ! Microbiology W/Diseases By Taxonomy by Robert Bauman (3rd edition) Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual by James Cappuccino (9th Edition) A Photographic Atlas for the Microbiology...
  9. I thought I had significant figures down but now i'm second guessing myself.. Problem: convert 426000 microLiters to Liters My work: 426000 uL x 1/0.000001 uL = 4.26 x 10^11 Now 426000 is an exact...
  10. *Microbiology Spring 2012*

    More like micro text.. Micro lab manual.. Micro photographic atlas..check
  11. *Microbiology Spring 2012*

    Compared to nursing prereq's, thclasses like physics are a breeze. We hardly had astronomy in our course. Our teacher had fun little demos throughout the lecture to emphasize his points. Basic topics...
  12. EMT courses southern california?

    Haha no worries not many people automatically think Santa Barbara when you say So-cal ! I believe you, it seems like most types of experience around the medical field will help in the long run. Thanks...
  13. *Microbiology Spring 2012*

    Another Micro student here this semester that will definitely be frequently involved with this
  14. EMT courses southern california?

    Thanks you guys. I'm aware that the summer course will be no walk in the park. The minimum wage thing does not bother me, I want to do this for experience. Unfortunately traveling 3 hours is a bit out...
  15. I'm attending a city college currently doing nursing pre req's and applying to nursing schools next year. Ideally I would like to earn my EMT license this summer in the mean time. I live in southern...