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About AmberHopefulRN

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  1. New Grad starting in SDU, any tips?

    I start my first job as a GN on a step-down unit June 1st. Any tips for what I should be doing to prepare, content to brush up on, advice in general for a new
  2. Dreams/nightmares about nursing school?

    Before I started my first semester, I had a dream that we were placed in a clinical setting and the nurses on the floor expected us to do everything from changing wound dressings to inserting Foleys...
  3. How much of your cohort did you "lose"?

    We're about to finish up our first semester (final is tomorrow!). We started with 61, lost 2 (one dropped the 2nd day of classes) and added 1, so we are currently at 60. After talking with the...
  4. Best shift for raising young children?

    I have a friend who works weekends only so that she can be with her kids during the week. It seems to work out well for her family. Her husband is a firefighter, so when they both have to work on...
  5. What date do you start?

    We had orientation May 4th and classes start June 10th. It is getting so
  6. How many of you are in your 20's?

    I'm 29, married, with 2 kids 6 & 4. I start this summer and will be 31 when I graduate with my BSN, and if all goes well will be 34 when I earn my DNP. There are several people in my cohort...
  7. Just bought my textbooks - a mini-grumbling session

    For my first semester, my books weren't that bad. There were about 17 I bought (including the "recommended" supplements), and it cost me about $610 after I shopped around. It's still a lot of money,...
  8. Shoes for clinical rotation!

    I bought a couple pairs from Shoes for Crews. I haven't started clinical or anything yet, but when I tried them on at home they were super comfy and they have slip resistant soles....
  9. Recipes and snack ideas for school and clinicals

    My big plan before starting nursing school was to get a freezer full of meals I had prepared, but my big chest freezer went out on me and now I only have the little freezer in my refrigerator One...
  10. Confused! Dosage calculations

    Shouldn't this be (16,545.45 mg/day) / (6 doses/1 day) = 2757.58 mg/dose? The way I am reading it here, you would be giving 595,636.38 mg per day to the patient. Or am I missing
  11. Nursing Math Class

    I would ask them about being able to test out. My school uses the Calculate with Confidence book, but we don't actually have a class for it. It is self-study and we will have 3 tests over the summer...
  12. First Semester Clinicals

    My first semester (which will be summer, so 8 weeks) we will be in an LTC for the last 4 weeks. After that, we will be in the hospital or community settings (health departments, schools, prisons,...
  13. Orientation

    I had my orientation yesterday, and our classes start on June 10th. The first half of the day was going over policies and procedures, services on campus, and getting to know each other and the...
  14. Orientation

    My orientation is tomorrow! Can't
  15. To buy or to rent?

    I'm starting this summer and I plan on buying mine as well. I have been comparing prices between Barnes and Noble, Chegg,,, Amazon, and Surprisingly, Barnes and...