libran1984 ASN, RN

Emergency Nursing


About libran1984

libran1984 has 4 years experience as a ASN, RN and specializes in Emergency Nursing.

1 year Prison Experience while also working Emergency Departments as both LPN and RN for the last 4 years

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  1. libran1984


    Yeah, I agree with some of the above... If someone says your positive for "Ativan" and that is the official accusation, they're lying. If management uses that as an excuse to fire u, then perhaps...
  2. libran1984

    Residency Programs

    My understanding of an RN residency program was that it was meant for all new hires directly out of school to improve retention rates and better familiarize the nurse with protocols and technical...
  3. libran1984

    How has Obamacare affected you and your employer?

    My hospital is turning a huge profit and we're seeing record numbers of ED pts, new admits, and more ppl are being signed up for PCP's than ever before. What I don't understand is why several of the...
  4. libran1984

    Nurse VS Respiratory Therapist?

    I was an LPN then RN and I'd like to obtain an RRT license and EMT-P
  5. A thesis statement is merely a declaration of what you wish to discuss such as: "We will closely examine the pathophysiology, etiology, treatment and blah blah factors related to congenital...
  6. Can u do all ur charting in the pt's
  7. libran1984

    LPN to rn...asn or bsn

    I did my LPN-ASN at a community college and it cost me less than $4,000 I now make just over $5,000 per month as an RN. That program was only a year long, but that was bc I had bee. Out of school...
  8. libran1984

    Understaffed Surgical Unit

    Keep on trucking
  9. libran1984

    Medic starting for RN

    I've worked as an LPN in the ED alongside several medics. I went back for my RN with many of them. The medics found the transition to be somewhat easier than my LPN peers that worked in LTC, but found...
  10. I feel RNs make quite a fair chunk of change. I def need to stop eating out
  11. libran1984

    Some advice, I hope it helps.

    This was a great post!! Kudos!!!! Although, I think we make very good money as RNs! For the first time in my adult life (30 years old), I can afford to take a vacation somewhere. I can actually afford...
  12. libran1984

    Oh you're a Nursing student?

    lol... i always tell them how great it is to make such insane money and only have to do it for 3 days a week! As an RN now, in 72 hours I make (without overtime) what I used to make in 96 hours as an...
  13. libran1984

    The DEU Model of Nursing Education

    A Designated Educational Unit certainly sounds like a great idea. During my PN and ASN programs, many students talked of a similar method. Particularly, the LPN-ASN students, having already been...
  14. i felt the pre-reqs were more difficult than actual nursing school. I will also say that microbiology and advanced A&P were two of the most beneficial classes I've ever taken. They actually...
  15. libran1984

    Bsn or lpn-adn not your usual argument

    LPN to ASN was just jumping through a few hoops. It was a joke. It also cost me less than $4,000 to do my LPN to ASN bridge. I am going back to do my BSN which I expect to be just a bunch more hoops....