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About LynnLRN

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  1. I know a few docs who were nurses first. So it is not near impossible, plenty of people have done it. I'm sure it is very hard work. Hard work and impossible are 2 different things. It is a hard path...
  2. No long distance for patients?

    Are you sure they can't if they dial the operator first? i thought pt at my hospital couldn't make long distance calls for the longest time, then I found out they could if they dial 0 for operator...
  3. Maybe you are being sensitive. Maybe she really wants to know how the LPN stuff is going. maybe she is being a good friend and trying to engage in your life. Maybe you are hung up on the title and...
  4. Oh crap, what do I do?

    Many times during my stint on a med-surg unit I would leave and forget to waste medications (i did actually waste them, just forgot to get back in pyxis and say I did). Nobody ever called me and said...
  5. If a patient wants pain medication I give it to them. If a pt is painful they deserve pain control. If they are a "drug seeker" it is not my job to "change" them and in the amount of time they spend...
  6. New RN - what would you do?

    The DEA is usually written on scripts so even the patient can see it if they are given the script themselves. I called in scripts all the time after they were
  7. Maybe they aren't well established organizations and they cannot afford to pay
  8. what was wrong with just giving her the ativan? So unprofessional I can't believe people actually do this. No
  9. High patient ratio-that's just the way it is...

    I wouldn't worry about the step down unit thing until it actually happens. Maybe they would increase staffing at that time when it actually happens. Do you work night shift or day shift? I do not...
  10. Did you get caught on camera??? You should have denied, denied, denied, he said/she said. Hopefully, whoever is on the other side of the phone will find the story too embarrassing to verbalize to...
  11. Two week Notice??

    You don't know who your supervisor/manager is? How is that possible? I have always given my 2 weeks notice in
  12. Sigh...the dreaded day...advice needed

    You just need to get a job in nursing. Just do it. Nobody is competent in anything until they do it. It is that simple. You will not gain confidence until you get a job, you learn, and then you
  13. What do you think? Honestly

    At the hospital system I work for I've seen lots of big men working the ER without a prob. They actually come in very handy. I think it will be
  14. I pick the days that I'm dumped on....

    My history with this: We would give resource RN's the easiest patients. They wouldn't get post-ops because we only wanted our trained RN's to get them and we did our best to avoid giving them admits....
  15. You quit. She didn't fire you. I don't see the problem with saying they may contact your previous