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All Content by 1happiiiz

  1. Hi I'm looking to enroll in the Twin Rivers Adult school LVN program in Sacramento. I tried to contact someone from the school but we are playing phone tag. This program will work the best because its a part time program, close to home and cheaper th...
  2. What Is The Total Cost Of Your LVN/LPN Program?

    tanna898 i'm looking at twin rivers for their lvn program because it's part time. can you give me some info on the program and how it's going for you.
  3. Has anyone heard of Charles a. Jones college?

    Hi I'm looking to attend Charles A Jones or Twin Rivers adult school in 6-12 months. I'll be starting on my pre reqs in a couple weeks but could someone let me know how there program is going? The Twin River looks like the program for me because it...