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All Content by humblebug

  1. Lawrence memorial Fall 2011

    Math is the my weak spot too!!! Oh Lord!!! So in the packet, you received there is no algebra? I hope not! Thank God they give us the material before to study! I sure hope to start in Fall. Wow you have pretty much all of the courses out of the...
  2. Lawrence memorial Fall 2011

    have a great day!!
  3. Lawrence memorial Fall 2011

    Thank you so much!! I figured, a women! Wow, I'll have to check into that winter intersession course! That doesn't count for 3 credits, does it? If so, that is fantastic!! :) I do need to get CPR re-certificated soon. Have a great week.
  4. Lawrence memorial Fall 2011

    Hello, Believe it or not, I'm not sure! I was originally wait listed for winter, but now I was told I can email G parks at midterm of ap2 and petition for earlier start! I'm not sure if it's a man or women!! And, I am nervous about what to say. (...
  5. Lawrence memorial Fall 2011

    Oh--- so good to hear!! Thank you for relieving my mind!! That's awesome that you're almost done with Micro, which completes non nursing ---good for you! What a good feeling!!! What Professor did you have for micro, and was it as regis or LM? Thank...
  6. Help on Lawrence Memorial ASN!

    Actually they DO look at and accept people with lower GPAs. I had a 3.0 and was accepted! So, there is hope for many people if it's in your fate!! good luck!!:heartbeat
  7. Lawrence memorial Fall 2011

    I may be in the Fall program-- I was originally accepted as a non-matriculating but now they are saying they may push me through!! I am so excited. I just took AP1 and currently taking AP2. Although I will still have micro and a few others to take. ...