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All Content by Optimist02

  1. USC New Grad summer 2011?

    Has anyone heard anything?
  2. USC New Grad summer 2011?

    Conure girl, I told them days. I wonder if it matters.
  3. USC New Grad summer 2011?

    Do u know why they are having us wait two weeks? I feel so bummed about my interview. I was way too nervous and could not find the words I wanted to use.
  4. USC university hospital NEW grad residency

    What are behavioral type questions?
  5. USC New Grad summer 2011?

    I was there at the brunch and they said they'll be calling to confirm our interviews for those who were there. And I've yet to receive a call so I wouldn't worry.
  6. USC New Grad Program 2011

    Any help frm previous versant prospects on how to prepare for interview?
  7. USC New Grad summer 2011?

    Does anyone know if the interview will be behavioral or clinical experience questions?
  8. USC New Grad summer 2011?

    I emailed ----. And she said it won't affect your opportunity for an interview but I'll be attending even though I'm from the bay area because I think it shows how interested you are in their program. It's too competitive to not go, I think.
  9. USC New Grad summer 2011?

    I am from the bay area and received the invite. Would anyone happen to know if it'll hurt me if I don't show up to the breakfast meet and greet?