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About -Emma-

-Emma- has 6 years experience and specializes in ICU.

Latest Activity

  1. Dead because of no Insurance

    So, for those who were turned away from emergency care because of no insurance, were they going to a for profit hospital? I've heard of them turning people away because they have no, or less...
  2. Documenting Nursing Process

    Our nurses have been dealing with a lot of problems with our present way of documenting our nursing process. It's involved, all hand written and confusing. I was wondering if some of you out there...
  3. HIPPA Question

    There's been some recent confusion over HIPPA violations regarding nurses following-up with transfered patient's. Our secretary knew a patient who was recently admitted and subsequently passed away....
  4. Hi there. I've just started toying with the thoughts of going back to school after 5 years hospital nursing (4years ICU) for MSN. I'm not sure if I want NP or Nurse/Patient Educator. MSN would be the...
  5. Hi there. I've just started toying with the thoughts of going back to school after 5 years hospital nursing (4years ICU) for MSN. I'm not sure if I want NP or Nurse/Patient Educator. MSN would be...
  6. pt/nurse ratio?

    This is extremely unsafe practice. If this happens again where you feel that your assignment, that you cannot change, is unsafe for your patient's, make sure that you are noted to have protested the...
  7. what is your openion about DNR ( donot resucitate)

    From what I know and have experienced, DNR is a doctor's order relating to a patient's "living will or advanced directive." (I can't remember which one I'm thinking of, so I will just call it Living...
  8. We encourage oral tubes to nasal ones when the patient is intubated because the nasal ones can increase the patient's chance of getting a sinus infection. I probably would have inserted your mother's...
  9. Thank you for the responses. The links were especially helpful. I was at a loss searching online by myself
  10. We often have to do orthostatic blood pressures on our patients. I'm not really sure I'm doing them correctly. If the doc. writes "orthostatic BP's" does that automatically mean lying, sitting, and...
  11. Cooling Blankets

    We also try to put the blanket under the patient but with a sheet between the blanket and the patient. Ours has a thermometer probe that can be used for manual or automatic use. We usually use the...
  12. PE and R. to L. atrial shunt

    Unfortunately the patient did not survive. She was off of the sedation the next day and didn't wake up. EEG confirmed no electrical activity. Family was refusing a cerebral blood flow study until a...
  13. PE and R. to L. atrial shunt

    I had an interesting patient yesterday. A 47 y.o. otherwise healthy female had a lumbar laminectomy the day before and she was getting out of bed for the first time with physical therapy and her...
  14. Sedation protocol

    We have a sedation order sheet that has diprivan, versed, morphine, norcuron, etc. on it. One is checked off and then the rest is fill-in-the-blanks. Bolus, starting dose, max dose and titrate to...
  15. Working on Christmas

    I can't say that certain nurses have done this for their patient's, but when I came into work the other day, my patients' rooms had some decorations on the wall. They were outside by the room number...