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All Content by singsongRN

  1. My application package was sent to the Navy Nurse Corps Board for review Nov. 15. Does anyone know how long it will take before I hear if I am selected as a candidate? And how soon I can go to ODS? My recruiter told me I should hear something by Dec...
  2. Anyone recently graduating from ODS

    Thank you! My first duty station preference is San Diego. I am also coming from the east coast...hopefully I get it...IF selected, of course.
  3. Thank you so much for your response! Very helpful. My recruiter said I should hear something sometime this week...fingers crossed! Then, if I am selected, hopefully I will get into the ODS class in January....
  4. Anyone recently graduating from ODS long did it take to hear back from the board, once your app package was submitted? and will u most likely get your first duty station preference?
  5. Little Company of Mary/ Torrance

    which hospital pays the best rate for RN's in torrance?
  6. FY 2011 for Navy Nurse Corps

    i thought the military repays student loans?
  7. Life as a Navy Nurse - Real Stuff Please

    Does the Navy Nurse Corps still give sign on bonuses for active duty?