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All Content by ZZTopRN

  1. Charting for behaviors

    da Your post reflected succinctly how I feel. I think what you said about new med and new behavior is logical. I think I will just go with this until I talk to the DON. Thanks
  2. What is the difference in

    I surmise that what everyone posted is true. It seems true it is a money making thing for JACHO. A prestige thing as you say. But would the state "swoop down" on a hospital the same way it does with a LTC? I would imagine if anyone thought there ...
  3. Stethoscopes for HOH

    Are there special stethoscopes for hard of hearing? I have recently gotten back into nursing and at about the same time I found that I have a hearing loss in my right ear for which I wear a digital aid. Thanks for any info or guidance.
  4. Stethoscopes for HOH

    After I went to my HOH dispenser, I was referred to the Department of Rehabilitation. I don't know what state you live in but I live in CA and I was told if your income was over $2500 a month, you would only pay a small percentage of the cost above ...
  5. Charting for behaviors

    I have been working in a skilled pyschiatric facility and each patient's psychotropic med has an order to check for behavior regarding the patient's med, like thorazine, ambien, klonipin, zyprexa, etc.on one patient. But when I see this patient s...
  6. Question for ALL nurses.....

    Please get to a doctor or ER and maybe make payments after tx. Listen to what the above responses were. Are you a nurse? You really should be alerted to these symptoms. Good luck and hope the next post from you will be to tell us you got tx.
  7. What happen to taking Vital Signs???

    by a CNA to take a manual bp, I feel I cannot trust them to do a good job if they resent doing it.
  8. I won't tell you how old I am but it is over 60. I retook my RN NCLEX in May and got my licensed renwed. I work in a skilled, psychiatric facility part-time and will be taking my RN refresher next Monday. Don't think twice. Go for it.
  9. Stethoscopes for HOH

    I am really happy. Now I have just got to follow up on the steth.
  10. Stethoscopes for HOH

    Visual steths? I really feel like I am behind the times. Something else to investigate. Thanks.
  11. Gimme some suggestions for shoes for my aching feet!

    I just bought some Danscos and work pretty well if I can sit down once in awhile. But when there days where you don't get to sit at all, they do start hurting. So I thought of trying what you have mentioned. Someone on the board suggested it is a g...
  12. Stethoscopes for HOH

    all the mumblers with their heads in their lap. These are 50% of my patients and the other 50% are the yellers.
  13. Stethoscopes for HOH

    i I went in today and got my adjustment. It was perfect!!!! I could not only hear soft and low sounds, but the noise is normal!!!! It is a Siemens in the canal ear, basic digital. I had been going to this upstart that brags she has a Masters in ...
  14. Stethoscopes for HOH

    The noise is really a PIA for me also WITH the HA. Maybe I will find a quieter area of nursing than psych. Right!
  15. Stethoscopes for HOH

    Thank you for taking all the time for giving me all the information. I thought when I went to the dealer to get it adjusted I would ask if they could refer me. I certainly know about the noise. I just started working in a small psychiatric center...
  16. Stethoscopes for HOH

    Just got through paying $117 for my Danscos and $1400 for the hearing aid. Anyway, at what kind of store would you buy one. A regular store that sells nursing supplies? Thanks for your reply.
  17. Stethoscopes for HOH

    Just paid $1400 for a digital hearing aid.
  18. Lexapro.....is this normal??

    . I had the same reaction you did. I worked part-time when I started on the Lexapro. I just worked 4 hours in the am and came home and slept the rest of the day. Took awhile for the nausea to go away. It also took a long time to get over the sl...
  19. One Slick Dude!

    If these guys weren't so funny, it sure would be a grim place to work. Comedy Central.
  20. One Slick Dude!

    Thanks for that bit of information about holding their breath. These guys and so funny and so PREDICTABLE!
  21. but what is embolization? I have been healthy all my life (breast fed kid) and have recently found out I have GAVE (Gastric antral ventral ectasia). About 3 years ago, I just happened to be in my doc's office and my cbc revealed my hg was 6. I kn...
  22. I know I'm an RN and haven't practiced in 10 years,

    I meant to post this on the previous thread about low H&H. I know this thread is about coronary nursing, not GI, but all the posts have been very interesting. Thanks for your answer. I am wondering why my doc is not thinking about other methods ...
  23. What is MDS?

    I understand that it has something to do with medicare paper work. Can anyone direct me to some information about it here on the board? I know I've seen it mentioned here but now can't find it. Thanks.
  24. concern over blood tests conflicting Dr. advice

    Why do you think this woman is anemic with the HG & hct? Are you talking about her ferritin level when you say "iron is 34?" That is low for a ferritin. Curious about Byetta. Going to look it up. Hope you get some good answers. I would like ...
  25. What is MDS?

    Thank you very kindly. Sounds like I'm in for some intensive education.