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About SkiBumNP

SkiBumNP has 2 years experience and specializes in Emergency,.

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  1. Samuel Merritt University FNP Insight

    @nurseRNatalia - in hindsight the academic program was not want I wanted. I would look at going to a PA program. If you can do this part time then you aren't working hard enough. in CA the base number...
  2. Samuel Merritt University FNP Insight

    The program does (did) arrange clinical placement. However, if you want any acute care placement then you will likly need to arrange that
  3. Why preceptors don't precept

    And don't get me started on how NP schools are too effing cheap to compensate high-quality
  4. Physician Extender ???

    I just wish our title didn't have "nurse" in
  5. Physician Extender ???

    I like what they use in Africa. Medical
  6. Samuel Merritt University FNP Insight

    DM me with your email address and I would be happy to answer any specific
  7. NP work in Africa - Uganda

    I have to say SycamoreStudent, if you are this quick to discredit folk medicine you may have many problems down the line working with patients who are not from the
  8. Make more $$ and Work Less.

  9. Make more $$ and Work Less.

    Good thinking. I did get the job at SFGH. I will be starting
  10. Make more $$ and Work Less.

    If only Kaiser used NPs in the
  11. Make more $$ and Work Less.

    1. good question. thats the rub about working in the bay area. the CA-BRN and the CNA are super strong and pay RNs a fair wage here. the rest of the county could learn that nurses are worth more...
  12. NP vs MD? Advice please!

    I would go with medical school, no questions, if you want to practice medicine, then go. Don't look back, make it happen. I wish I
  13. I am at a crossroads

    So I am at a crossroads. I am an FNP-MSN who has been working in Emergency Medicine for the past two years. I am 32 years old, and feel the need to move forward. I am looking forward to more...
  14. I have been an emergency NP for the past two years, the money is OK, but I want more. That said, I also want time for my family and travel. Has anyone found a way to balance life and work? I think...
  15. So this was posted on another message board. I want to get your thoughts on this Read thru Family Physician and Nurse Practitioner Training published by AAFP, 2008....look at what they list as the...