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All Content by kcrn2b

  1. Taking the Nursing Skills class prior to starting ADN program in Spring. Instructor informed us last night that next week we will be giving each other bed baths complete with soap and water. She suggested we wear bathing suits or something else "re...
  2. PDA software???

    I know that there has to be several previous posts about this but I can't seem to find them so sorry for the repeat ? for those who have seen this before. I was wondering for those who are finishing 1st semester (or farther) what specific PDA softwa...
  3. Any ACC hopefuls for Spring 2005?

    Although official letters have not been mailed, just curious if anyone is thinking they may be in for Spring, 2005. I've been on the wait list forever and I'm cautiously hopeful that my #46 might mean that I finally made it in.
  4. Any ACC hopefuls for Spring 2005?

    I was on the wait list for 3 years and have a 4.0. I did not have all my coreqs finished until the semester before I got accepted though. My daughter who is also on the wait list has all her prereqs and coreqs completed and she is on her second re...
  5. Hi all fellow 1st semester's - Wondering how 1st weeks went with everyone and what are the biggest challenges so far? I'm doing skill checkoffs today and had first big lecture on physical assessment yesterday. Have gone from feeling like I think I'...
  6. what are you studying today

    first lecture test:uhoh3: Physical Assessment, history of nursing, theory and legal and ethics. Test is friday and final check off on physical assessment is next tuesday! I'm even studying in my sleep!
  7. what are you studying today

    Starting physical assessment! I sat at my desk at home from 3 to 1045 and relistened to lecture and looked at notes. There is just so much info to absorb and be able to recall. I also was looking at history of nursing, legal, moral and ethics so n...
  8. Clinical Hours

    I'm in first semester of ADN program and our clinicals will be Thursday and Friday from 6:30 to 1:30 so 14 hours a week. We start Feb 4 with clinicals.
  9. I never thought it would get here and now it's only days away! Who else starts in January? I would love to be able to share our experiences as we all get started. I'm excited to get started but scared to death at the same time. From what I've hear...
  10. How to Recruit New Grad RN's

    I worked at Sharp Hospital in San Diego about 10 years ago and it was incredible then too. It has a reputation in the community, or at least it did then, of being a hospital that values its staff. Although Kaiser Permante was always known for payin...
  11. In our ADN program you can take all your prereqs and coreqs before you start the actual "nursing program". So that adds up to about 9 credit hours each semester until 4th and then 8 for last semester if all reqs are done before.Good Luck!!
  12. I'm in!

    You took the words right outta my mouth. I have also been "working" towards the goal of my RN degree for, embarrassingly, about 14 years just taking one prereq and coreq a semester and then a few semesters off when kid stuff and work were too much t...
  13. I'm starting in January and just got a list of books to buy. I would love some advice on any favorites. I need a medication reference, a diagnostic test reference, nursing process reference, care plan resource, nurtrition and diet therapy reference...
  14. Me too! Start in January and I am also scared, excited, wondering what the %@ am I doing!!! I've been working for this for such a long time that can't believe it's finally here!! We'll get there together one hair raising step at a time!! CLass 20...
  15. Got my letter yesterday confirming I got in to the ADN program January, 2005. Anyone else starting in January? I'm excited but scared to death at same time. I'm going to try and hold on and enjoy the ride!!
  16. I got accepted for Spring 2005!!!

    :balloons: Good luck to all of you waiting for your letters! I'll keep my fingers crossed. Let me know when you find out. Class of 2006!!
  17. How do you do in skill lab check offs?

    I'm with you and everyone else who has posted. I hate them but I also take comfort in knowing so does 99% of everyone else. Kind of a right of passage...we all will go through it as those before us have and we ultimately will succeed. Hang in ther...
  18. Any ACC students out there?

    Just curious if there are any other ACC students out there. Love reading all the posts from Houston and Dallas but would like to get some input and advice from other ACC nursing students. I'm taking nursing skills 1 and hoping to get in in January....
  19. I was wondering if anyone else has such a hard time with checkoffs. I'm just in the beginning nursing skills and although I have done most of the skills so far just working in the hospital, I get so nervous when it comes to checkoffs. I forget the ...
  20. I get so stressed during check-offs!!

    I got to check off on my mastery check off tonight and I passed. I was, as anticipated, a nervous wreck but I made it. Thanks to all of your kind and encouraging words. I have made one more hurdle in our treck to become nurses!!
  21. Let's hear the best thing about school!!!

    I agree. I am just starting in January but have finished all my prereqs and coreqs and almost nursing skills. I can't believe that I am almost there and the thought scares the crap out of me but at the same time this journey so far has been wonderf...
  22. HELP... I am Grade obsessed

    I am so relieved to read these posts!! I really didn't know I was grade obsessed until I went back to school at the age of 32 and I am now 43 and finally finished with all my prereqs and coreqs and starting the program in Jan. I have interrupted sc...
  23. I get so stressed during check-offs!!

    Thanks so much for all those great words!! Sometimes it feels good just to hear that you are not the only one experiencing these pains. My total mastery checkoff is Tuesday so wish me luck and thanks again.
  24. Examples of charting???

    Just wondering if anyone knows of any websites that have examples of charting "lingo". I think that it might be helpful in my nursing skills class. The book that we are using doesn't really have a lot of examples. Thanks everyone!!
  25. Examples of charting???

    I guess what I meant was phrases that are commonly used. For instance, "patient tolerated procedure well" or "instuctions given, patient verbalized understanding". My instructor has given us a few common phrases to use for charting purposes but I ...