I'm a CNA at an ALF. I went in Sunday night for my shift and the new day shift nurse was still handing out her evening meds. The night shift nurse had just arrived and began helping her get finished....
You just wrote the story of my life! My sweat even sweats at work. I stay pretty much miserable in the summertime and you're right, management doesn't give a
I work Fri, Sat, and Sun 7p-7a. Thursday evening I take a long nap so I can stay up most of the night and sleep all day Friday. Then on Monday mornings I sleep until around 11a and make myself get up...
Since you already work the night shift, it should be pretty easy to adjust to this schedule. I work three straight twelves and I can't do anything on those days except sleep, eat, and work. At least...
1) You are grossly unappreciated as a CNA and highly underpaid. It's also easy to injure yourself if you don't use proper body mechanics. 2) Getting to take care of patients! I love my Alzheimer's...
This was a refreshing post. You can only read so many posts about how much people hate their jobs before you feel like gagging. Congrats on your new job & I hope you continue to love
I'm getting all my paperwork together for my LPN program and it only just dawned on me how having my GED instead of a high school diploma might affect my chances of getting an acceptance letter. I've...