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About dave1117

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  1. Took the Beast today

    So he good news is... I passed/ :pumpiron: Now I need to find anew hobby. Good luck to the rest of you.
  2. Took the Beast today

    So here it goes... 108 questions, the machine shuts off and I want the question back...Time out I think I said...but the blue screen of death was staring me in the face. Then they have the gall to...
  3. Math required for Microbiology

    No math at all but you might want to start practicing memorizing some 10 - 12 syllable words...
  4. 3 weeks into nsg program, he wants to quit...

    So why are you still here? You claim to hate it so much, why not go to another site. I think AOL has some chat rooms for people who just wasted years and money on something they really
  5. 3 weeks into nsg program, he wants to quit...

    Thank you, thank you very
  6. 3 weeks into nsg program, he wants to quit...

    ...out how to solve your problem there are millions of parents, with millions of dollars, all over the world that will hire you to solve the same problem in their home. Now I know that is not what...
  7. Three withdrawals on my transcript...how bad is this?

    with previous posts... But to be certain, I would call you nursing school and ask. If explained as you did here they can give you a definate answer. Good luck with your husband...sounds tough. dave...
  8. Process recordings

    Yes I took Psych and yes we did this skill. We just called it a therapeutic communications assesment. They are very time consuming and a pain in the butt. Writing out a complete conversation and...
  9. Process recordings

    what is a process recording. Not something we do at my
  10. Student Nurses Association slogan: need ideas!!!

    What we do for the new students is run a "Meet and Greet" Night. It takes about an hour and we make it mandatory through the school of Nursing to fulfill one clinical requirement for the semester....
  11. Student Nurses Association slogan: need ideas!!!

    I am not making fun of your association. 1. I am, as I mentioned the vice president of our local SNA chapter. 2. I am a National SNA member. 3. I am the Hudson Valley Regional Director and...
  12. Katrina

    having spent 4 weeks at ground zero after 9-11 doing search and rescue and then burying 42 freinds and associates, I can honestly say that I am in shock sitting here right now watching all this on TV....
  13. Student Nurses Association slogan: need ideas!!!

    :rotfl: your kidding right...campaign posters. They had to beg me to be vice-president and our president didn't know we were nominating her. Not laughing at you, just surprised to here so much hype...
  14. 77% Rule

    Just a lowly ASN...:chuckle Don't get hung up on what I said about A's versus C's... My major point was that NS is tough for several very good reasons. There are some, and maybe it is the 10% you...
  15. 77% Rule

    While your situation for that lower grade might have been justified, there are many that are not. I am friendly with most of my professors and am amazed with the crap they hear from struggling...