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  1. Boston College

    What's your email address? I'd love to ask a couple more questions if that's alright with you!
  2. Boston College

    I had a couple more questions for 'acupofgas' if you don't mind me asking :-) How early did you apply to the BC program? I see that the deadline is September 15, was the interview soon thereafter?...
  3. Rush University CRNA Interview

    I know that there will be two interviews, one personal and one clinical...I did read somewhere that ACLS is very good to know. I don't know what else to do to prepare. What day is your interview,...
  4. Hello everyone, I have interview coming up next month for the CRNA program at Rush University...I was wondering if anyone had any advice or tips for the interview? What kind of questions should I be...
  5. Boston College

    Thanks so much for your reply, it was big help! Did you do your CCRN? Are you able to work at all? From what I can tell, it doesn't seem like anyone can work during any program. Thanks again!...
  6. Boston College

    I've recently applied to both BC and Northeastern for was the interview process? How did you decide on BC? Did you apply to NEU as well? I'm anxious about the interviews and would...