

Home health aide, ASD patient care

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All Content by tidebeckons

  1. Hi Tstorm, I am really wanting to get into a fellowship at Mercy. I graduate in May ('13). With applying for the position, does the fellowship start for GN's awaiting NCLEX examination and licensure? Any help and tips would be greatly appreciated!
  2. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    Wow, that's great, ydbush! I am so glad this class is well worth the money and time prior to regular classes. The ADN program for me will be such a blessing a wonderful start for me as I hope to continue with a BSN a few years down the road. Study gr...
  3. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    Abounding luck to you, too copegirl. I think it would be a great thing to form study groups, as well. Once semester sets in and we get to know one another, we can start thinking about doign that. this site is very helpful, already have had the pleasu...
  4. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    I can't wait to take the class and find out for myself. Thanks for the update, ydbush
  5. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    How funny, Nashville is where we will be going. :) few days there, and it should be nice.
  6. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    for all of you who know me as tidebeckons, you can call me Liz :) paramedical, I know what you mean... August will be just around the corner just like that. Still trying to recover A&P material that I lost somewhere at work, but I've many other m...
  7. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    any luck in finding a place in St. Charles yet?
  8. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    I will be in the 10a-11:50a lecture M/W, 10a-11:50a lab Tues. I have my evening clinicals W/Th 3-8, will be working Fridays and Saturdays 2nd/1st mid-shift on my job. On call on Mondays 2nd shift. I'm on my school schedule right now with those hours ...
  9. Missouri tax free weekend /purchasing textbooks

    Yes. I am receiving a loan, and that is just a question I'll need to ask financial aid, Tax Free weekend is Aug 5-7, and bookstore credits don't even go into effect until Aug. 10th. That's why I was thinking about it. So, if I pay out of pocket I sh...
  10. I remember a student at orientation last month bringing up the possibility of purchasing Nursing textbooks from the SCCC (St Charles Community College) bookstore tax free weekend (Friday only, I am guessing.) This subject brings me to a realization t...
  11. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    Awesome :) great job! I already actually am BLS/CPR AHA certified through my work, so that is under my belt, too. So relieved. My last injection is June 28, last one, so I can get my paperwork in well ahead of time, too. So nice. :)
  12. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    Hey.. So, with the immunizations, ydbush.. here's my update. It took me quite a few phone calls, faxes, and visits, to get to where I am now. As is life. :) I was referred to a place by the health department called anylabtestnow. I got my MMR/VZ Tite...
  13. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    I got M, W lecture from 10-11:50, Tues lab 10-11:50 and Wed/Thurs clincal from 3pm-8pm. I had to register at 6am on the dot to get into those evening clinicals. It was well worth it, as there is no possible way for me to do 7am with the time I need t...
  14. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    Also, I was going to look into the health dept, as well, but if I am in need of a titer in case I can't access my immunizations from past, then I am trying to look into clinics in the area (ie. Crider Health) as they offer medical services and some i...
  15. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    Well, if we have had MMR as a child, then our shot records (if we have them) will show the dates in which they were administered. I would think that that would be sufficient as opposed to getting a titer; it doesn't seem necessary if we can provide d...
  16. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    Hey, what did you think of orientation yesterday?
  17. Fundamental Advice....

    That's enlightening about the "boring" aspect of the course. haha.. I hated Sociology, but I'll keep my ears and eyes wide open. Congrats on getting into the program once more and being given a second chance!
  18. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    Thanks.. I now remember that tidbit within the letter saying I have to register on site for the class. I guess I'll have to do that when I go in next, which is later this week. I remember when I was taking my first science courses, they made me come ...
  19. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    Hey, can't remember.. can we still sign upf or Tools for Success in ADN Program, the summer '11 course? I'll check, just thought some of you all might now. thanks, LIZ
  20. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    In addition to what I just wrote, I have heard that StlCC is very competitive with entrance, and they may be a little more stringent in what they expect ahead of time. :) If you would be interested in applying at SCCC, it would definitely be a great ...
  21. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    You should apply for the program as soon as you can. There's an app. fee of $25 (as of Dec. 2009 which is when I applied). As far I know, you don't have to have any of the science courses out of the way before you can apply and be put on the waitlist...
  22. Mixed Emotions About Nsg School

    emptyboxcars... I understand your worry and how you are feeling, as I have thought about those very same feelings of guilt as a mother of my 5 year old daughter. Stayed home with her first 4 years of her life, and have had to begin working due to nee...
  23. St. Charles Community College Nursing Student

    Hey! will be at orientation next Thursday, the 5th too. Thanks for the congrats, nice to see some fellow classmates here before everything actually begins! LIZ
  24. Does anyone know how the scoring for the new dosage exam at St. Charles Community College is done? It is out of 100, and only # amount of questions. Does anyone know if the questions are graded wholly, with each question being scored identically? Any...
  25. Dosage Exam for St. Charles Community College

    Congrats on passing it :) I got my letter today, too.. found out yesterday that I passed the exam. I am so thrilled. It's so nice to now have knowledge of certainty of the future... so yeah, I will be entering this Fall, too