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About desertflower100

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  1. WGU RN-MSN Education

    Hi Everyone, Can someone explain what the fieldwork hours (how many and what is entailed) are that are required for the MSN program at
  2. WGU FNP

    Did you receive any updates from WGU on the FNP
  3. Capella University

    Can anyone comment on the clinical practicums and how these are set up-how long does it take to get it set up, does the school help you find
  4. WGU MSN in 6 months

    What do you have to do for the
  5. WGU MSN in 6 months

    Can someone tell me what is required in the Fieldwork in the MSN program in education? Do you have to do this at your place of employment or can you reach out into the community to complete the...
  6. New Grad Considering Corrections Nursing

    I worked at a state juvenile prison about a year after graduating (I did med-surg). Corrections is excellent experience to gain. It was mostly primary care, we had a fulltime MD and part time NP, we...
  7. So what it the program like? Is there a practicum with a preceptor?
  8. Do you think the program will help you get into the diabetes ed. field, or are you already in
  9. WGU MSN in 6 months

    Thanks for the replies. How many pages normally is the QI
  10. WGU MSN in 6 months

    Thanks for your reply! What does the fieldwork consist of? Is it a practicum with a
  11. WGU MSN in 6 months

    Hi When you say a QI project is required for the MSN, are you referring to the Administration or the Education MSN?
  12. New WGU MSN curriculum

    Hi nightowl How do you like WGU? What does the fieldwork and final project entail?
  13. I am curious too about the diabetes nursing program at
  14. New WGU MSN curriculum

    I disagree that the patho and pharm classes at WGU will be accepted by potential NP programs. At least one I applied to said that these types of courses are not rigorous enough to be accepted into a...
  15. WGU won't accept per diem nurses

    In the MSN program your manager from your job has to sign off on your WGU course assignments? Can someone clarify this for me, it doesn't make