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All Content by OneRN

  1. Diff. between ASN and Diploma Nurse......

    I believe nursing would have less issues with "professionalism" if it had stayed with diploma schools and not pursued formal academic training. For instance, the diploma programs could have required a BSc before entering, then nursing school would be...
  2. Leaving the Law

    Nursing is like hanging on a cross: It's true glory; It's true power; It can be real love for another human being, but it's not pretty, and it's not easy. If you truly hate practicing law, fine, but just make sure a career change is what you want to ...
  3. The reason I went into nursing.... long

    Nursing is the greatest profession in the world and the closest profession to the kingdom of God. Your actions have proven this to be the case. Good for you!
  4. Ethical question...what would you do?

    With all the horrors I experienced working in the dungeon (my first job as an aid in a nursing home) I can't believe we're having this conversation. When she takes something of value then worry about it. Right now, just focus on becoming a good nurse...
  5. several questions for the RN's

    I suggest becoming a nurse aid, unless you plan to become an RN and work exclusively in surgery. IMO.
  6. just venting..replies welcome

    Assuming this pt wasn't demented, I hope she gets what she deserves: a long death where in the end, everyone she knows has abandon her. But that's stupid, isn't it? I don't have to hope for anything. Everyone reaps what they sow in this life. It's a...
  7. First day on my own--from worst to first

    That gives me hope. Thank you.
  8. I encourage everyone to read the letter from Stephanie Tate in this month's RN magazine. She describes how she once got caught ogling and comenting on a patients genitals while prepping him for surgery. She's obviously proud of it and the editor obvi...
  9. I'm sick of, sick of it, SICK OF IT!

    My preceptor is like that. She comes in on her days off when they call her. She's the type that always wants to please others. And while that may be a saintly quality, it's not good for her survival. I, myself, never have my phone on. If a person cal...
  10. The Status of a Nurse

    I think the status of a nurse, and the good reputation they derive from the publics perception of them comes from the hard work they do. I talked to a registered dietician the other day on my floor. She has a masters degree. But who ever says, "Wow, ...
  11. Anencephaly

    The instinct to care: in the form of the mother trying to nurse the child; in the form of the nurse helping her and being glad she didn't terminate the pregnancy. I see God in the mother, in the baby, and in you. Thank you for showing that to me toda...
  12. How many quit???

    Our level 1 started with 51, but only 22 of those 51 graduated at the end. Some quit, some didn't pass. Nursing school has a high drop out rate because it is extremely tough, academically and personally, or at least our school was. I strongly encoura...
  13. Caps anyone??

    On the stepdown unit where I work, I wear surgical-style scrubs with the top tucked in. I just can't imagine wearing a uniform, especially a cap, to work.
  14. Why do nurses "eat their young"?

    I would like to add to what 3rdguyshift said, but I think he said it well. In fact, the same nurses that treated me like s*** when I was an aid on the floor now continue to treat me like S*** even though I'm one of their own--no big surprise there. ...
  15. Just need to vent....

    Just reading your post, it sounds kind of like a general disillusionment with life. We keep thinking there's a goal, you know some kind of purpose toward which we are ultimately moving, and as life wears on, that purpose becomes like a mirage: the cl...
  16. MD vs RN

    This is the bottom line: MDs troubleshoot, diagnose and treat a pts medical problem (i.e., CHF). RNs troubleshoot, diagnose and treat a pts problems regarding care (i.e., how will this person with CHF use the toilet). When a person is sick--sick eno...
  17. MD vs RN

    Most of the orders I need for my patients come from NPs. I am eternally grateful. But the NP, IMO, is no longer a nurse (obviously not a view shared by the greater nursing profession) If they were, then all nurses should strive to be NPs. But the edu...
  18. MD vs RN

    I'm not going to turn this into an LPN vs RN discussion, but you are misinformed on the roles of the LPN. LPNs are the first line assistant to the RN. However, in LTC, I must admit, the roles are very similar between the RN and LPN.
  19. Nursing Model vs Medical Model

    This is the bottom line: MDs troubleshoot, diagnose and treat a pts medical problem (i.e., CHF). RNs troubleshoot, diagnose and treat a pts problems regarding care (i.e., how will this person with CHF use the toilet). When a person is sick--sick eno...
  20. Floor Nurse Stress

    I'm in the same boat as the OP, except I'm on a stepdown floor. Nevertheless, your post really spoke to me and provided me with encouragement.
  21. What are your interests?

    The main academic subjects that most affect the field of nursing are anatomy and physiology, psychology, and pharmacology. If one has a keen interest in those areas, one is academically oriented for nursing. However, personality traits matter a great...
  22. What is Power?

    What does power mean to you? For some, power is simply the opportunity to be rude, condescending, and without manners to others without the fear of reprocussions. Some just can't wait to get their chance to treat others as if they don't matter. To th...
  23. What is Power?

    I've read all the posts (19 so far), and I distill from the whole of this conversation that power is defined in this way: The use of our will to affect a change. To make others do what we want them to do (which is really the same thing as affecting ...
  24. nursing school yes or no

    Your right. 90% of nurses are just paycheck nurses doing a job. Some do it well, some don't but religion or building the kingdom of God on earth is not what they are in nursing for. We need those 90%. All I know is that I came to nursing following a...
  25. Ethical dilemma -- new nurse

    If you sign your name in the chart to anything, be sure that you did it. Let her sign or say whatever she wants, but don't you do the same. The time for reporting her is not now, not when you're so new and trying to gain a position there. Your precep...