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About brittanywatson

Wife, mom of 2, nursing student

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  1. Tell me about your first day of nursing school

    1. I didn't sleep 2. Probably just had coffee (breakfast of champions, I know) 3. I was anxious, excited, motivated, nervous 4. Eh, probably sunny 5. First day of class was uniform check-offs, so I...
  2. How to choose the CORRECT answer in the BOARD EXAM

    THIS! And I highly recommend Test Success by Nugent & Vitale. This breaks it down completely and will help you increase your chances of choosing the right answer even if you are unsure of the...
  3. Second Week

    Get organized and take it one day at a time. Calendars and planners are your friend. Even if you think you're wasting time writing it down in a planner, do it. I promise it's a lifesaver. I'm a...
  4. Just how difficult is nursing school?

    Well, I don't have three kids. I have two. But, they are 14 months apart and my oldest is 26 months, so I can relate! I just started my 3rd semester of nursing school (OB/PEDS, Med-Surg II) and I...
  5. Students with young are you handling it?

    Thank you for all the supportive responses! I definitely owe my husband BIG! He's just happy he gets in his Call of Duty while I'm reading and the kids are in bed. I think I will have to get him...
  6. A little depressed..

    It's okay to be upset about it. Nursing school is very demanding and you are expected to be on your "A game" the entire time. But, this was your first exam. Now you know what kind of questions to...
  7. Students with young are you handling it?

    Thank you all for your responses! I will definitely try to get out of the house to study more. I am definitely not trying to belittle other students' struggles because I know that each person has a...
  8. I am in my first semester of nursing school. I absolutely love it, and I'm learning so much, so fast, but I've already had moments where I think, "How am I going to finish 5 semesters of this?"...
  9. How To Study Anatomy HELP!

    I had an actual A&P text book that not only covered the anatomy, but physiological processes as well. There was a chapter on the endocrine system, cardiovascular system, etc. If you don't have...
  10. tips for first one is coming up!

    Everything the previous poster said! Cramming is a HUGE no-no in nursing school. It's critical thinking and applying your knowledge to any given situation successfully, making sure to choose the...
  11. A & P Vocab

    It could be a variety of things. Maybe you would learn better by hearing the info. What are some examples of words that you're having trouble with? Is it more anatomy or is it the physiological...
  12. How To Study Anatomy HELP!

    i took a&p i and ii and it definitely takes some getting used to. i apologize in advance for this being so long, but i have taken a&p i, ii, microbiology, and infectious diseases, and passed...
  13. I got accepted!!! Book advice? any advice?

    You can't get through nursing school without being able to critically think. I HIGHLY recommend getting both Test Success and Fundamentals Success by Nugent and Vitale. It teaches you how to...
  14. How long does it take u to read

    athrun: I have a very methodical approach to studying. I read everything on a particular subject once and highlight as I go. I review the powerpoint slides and make notes by each slide as I read the...