

Home Health Case Mgr

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About CSLee3

CSLee3 has 24 years experience as a ASN, BSN, LVN, EMT-P and specializes in Home Health Case Mgr.

"Trudging through the fog"

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  1. Relocation to Austin.....any advice?

    oh yeah, Texas Orthopedics is always looking for good pacu nurses, they have several surgical centers in austin
  2. Relocation to Austin.....any advice?

    prob 25-30 hr plus diffs. You will have to barter with them. Also, those hospitals take a while to get through HR. Another way to speed up process is meet dept managers in person or call/fax resume,...
  3. Relocation to Austin.....any advice?

    Hi....Austin is an awesome and beautiful town. Healthcare jobs go up and down, but there is always something for experienced nurses. Lots of agencies and home health. The big hospitals...St. Davids...
  4. ASN vs ADN and another question

    There is no such thing as "ADN". It funny because nursing programs all refer to the ADN department or ADN program. The Degree you are pursuing is ASN or AASN. If you go to a University, you will be...
  5. Austin Community College - ACC - Spring '11 hopefuls

    If you get tired of fooling with ACC, check out Temple College @ Taylor, just up the road in Willimason County. Excellent School and track record. Cheaper, smaller classes, more clinical time in more...
  6. I'm in Austin.....please read

    Temple College @ Taylor has the one of the best if not the best LVN programs in the state with an unparalled nclex and hesi pass rate. No traffic as you are going away from Austin. Small classes and...
  7. EC grad here....funny how people ramble on about EC.....HELLO, they started distance learning and have been doing this since 1973! Now all the major Nursing programs in the USA have some form of...
  8. Scott and white Temple Scrub colors

    LVNs at Scott & White Hospital have to wear Royal Blue scrubs. Not sure about S & W UMC (Round Rock ) Hosptial.
  9. LUNAHRN....since so many of us did A & P and Micro through EC....look at University of Texas @ El Paso (UTEP). The give RN's (regardless of where you got your ADN) lots of credit, NO MATH,...
  10. FNP Program?

    Texas Tech Health Science Center University of Texas @ ElPaso UT @ Arlington Texas A & M @ Corpus
  11. College for nursing

    MamaX2...here is my 2 cents....Look at the tuition cost per school. 2. look at the driving distance to each from your home and or work. 3. check with your state board of nursing and look at thier pass...
  12. TEAS at Weatherford College

    Very similiar to HESI but more thorough and more difficult. A good tool used by schools! Try this website, they might have something for you....free. www.testprepreview.com
  13. I cannot do med/surg anymore

    Zoo*mom...you need a vacation...well deserved I am sure. Think about teaching LPN, CNA, etc. Sometimes you do not need BSN or MSN depending where you are at. Also consider school nursing, which is a...
  14. Austin nurses!

    I too, worked for Brack (Seton system)...hated it. The not-for-profit status means less money, cutting corners and ducking benefits to stay afloat and continue to serve a large austin population that...
  15. I wonder how Tracy and Firemedic are doing!