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  1. UALR Class of '13

    Indeed. One test and one med check off left! I'm pretty excited! BUT extremely ready to have a tiny summer break from school. Lol. I plan on not doing ANYTHING for the next month
  2. UALR Class of '13

    We had to go to the meeting ): Well, awesome! I just wanted to make sure I had everything
  3. UALR Class of '13

    i had ((moderator edit of name - please do not name names of individuals in your program per tos). i liked it! i'm wondering, though, did your teacher go over how checkoffs were going to go? like do...
  4. University Of Arkansas at Little Rock

    @jaggedlittlejill -- Nurs1300: I have supervised clinicals on Mondays. Lecture T/TH 8-11am. Unsupervised pratice on tuesdays 12-4pm. Hope to see you
  5. UALR Class of '13

    @Mrs.Mumz, Yay! I have the same except my unsupervised is on tuesdays, not thursdays. But, fun! I'm excited someone else has the same schedule as
  6. UALR Class of '13

    I've started the readings too... And gone over the skills a little. Also, if you go on Youtube, there are instructional videos on most of our skills in the manual. They vary a little in the steps but...
  7. UALR Class of '13

    @witty3 please let me know if they have them tomorrow. I was going to go get mine
  8. UALR Class of '13

    Man, no one with my classes... I was hoping to find someone with the same to collaborate with! I'm using my L.L. Bean backback that i've been using forever. I like that it has a little front pocket...
  9. UALR Class of '13

    I agree. I have found some of the information on here very useful. It's nice to see many other people just starting out and as nervous/excited as I am! Anyways, no classes together, huh? Darn. Well,...
  10. UALR Class of '13

    Who got in?!?! I did! Everyone excited? I have lecture t/th 8-11am & my clinicals mondays. Unsupervised practice 12-4pm. Anybody have the same? Whooooo
  11. University Of Arkansas at Little Rock

    I'm at twelve saturday. I'm doing my pictures tomorrow! I'm excited (: I feel like I should be preparing myself more but I have no idea what to do! I guess i'm just ready for this show to get on the...
  12. University Of Arkansas at Little Rock

    hey guys! Anyone get in? I got accepted into the traditional program! Just bought my manuals, getting excited & nervous @ the same time!
  13. I got my letter!

    I accepted my position too! Traditional. I'm super
  14. University Of Arkansas at Little Rock

    Does anyone know how many quality points are needed to get into UALR's ASN program? I have about 80 and I am hoping this is enough but would like to know a general range to put my mind at ease. Thanks...