Published Jan 7, 2011
14 Posts
Does anyone know how many quality points are needed to get into UALR's ASN program? I have about 80 and I am hoping this is enough but would like to know a general range to put my mind at ease. Thanks so much!
132 Posts
I'm applying to UALR's ASN program and I have a total of 57 points right now. I'm taking A&P II this semester and still haven't took Chem or Mircro. I have an "A" in all pre-reqs and will take the HESI (Evolve) tomorrow morning. So I would say that you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
I miscalculated my point and actually have 76 and scored middle range on the Evolve so will not have any points added or took away... Still I think 80 points is really good.
I Love Pink
2 Posts
I currently have 80 as well...I hope that is enough to get in. Does anyone know the lowest number of quality points that they accepted last year?
62 Posts
I applied as well. I turned in my app on Feb. 21. I took the HESI on the 18th. I don't know how many quality points I have. I have a BA and don't know how they calculate those classes. I have heard conflicting statements. I am just praying for an acceptance. I believe I will get in, but you never know how it will all play out. I check the mailbox everyday hoping for an answer
If you would like to email me your grades from the classes listed below and your Evolve score I figure the total number of points that you have. Email: [email protected]
Rhetoric 1311 Composition I *
Rhetoric 1312 Composition II *
Mathematics 1302 College Algebra or Mathematics 1315 College Mathematics *
Psychology 2300 Psychology and the Human Experience or Sociology 2300 Introduction to Sociology *
Biology 1411 Anatomy and Physiology I *
Biology 1412 Anatomy and Physiology II *
Chemistry 1400* or higher level Chemistry
History 2311 or History 2312 US History* or Political Science 1310 American National Government
Biology 2401 Microbiology
Thanks Michele
Has anyone heard anything? I am starting to get a little discouraged.
hey guys! Anyone get in?
I got accepted into the traditional program!
Just bought my manuals, getting excited & nervous @ the same time! Haha
Yes I got accepted into the traditional program as well... So excited.. I got my manuals too and I'm ready for orientation on Saturday.:)
hey guys! Anyone get in? I got accepted into the traditional program!Just bought my manuals, getting excited & nervous @ the same time! Haha
I got as well--traditional track-- have manuals and ready for orientation too. Took my pictures last week to bring with me. Are you on Saturday. My orientation is at 9.
I'm at twelve saturday. I'm doing my pictures tomorrow! I'm excited (:
I feel like I should be preparing myself more but I have no idea what to do! I guess i'm just ready for this show to get on the road. lol
6 Posts
Hey guys, I'm in the traditional program as well. Which class did you enroll for summer?