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All Content by SoCalRN1970

  1. NO, my husband is not in pain. Or is he?

    Cognitively impaired, dementia. Wife is acting a bit clueless... btw? She never returned my calls.. so yes, I have my hands full.
  2. Hospice Oncall Staffing

    With a census if 150... and in a rural area. One runner is a very low staffing ratio IMHO. Usually at about 100 two runners should be used. But that is different from office to office. We currently have 100 patients. 2 runners and a triage te...
  3. Hate to discharge a patient that is hospitalized

    How has this patient been on your service for so long? No offense. curious though. I am going to ask some hard questions. Has the talk.. I'd don't think hospice is right for you happened? I have had to do this several times the most recent just a...
  4. Did I make the biggest mistake of my career?

    The big gun administrator is NOT happy with the lack of response, accountability with the middle management. She didn't say a word,but she and I did have a quick heart to heart. #1 I have NO clincial support. My manager who I report to is unexper...
  5. I have an inerview tomorrow!!!!

    THey may ask you. Why did you choose hospice? Have you recently lost a loved one or family member ? ( this is a screening ?? often they will not hire anyone with a recent loss ) How would you handle a crisis that you may not of anticipated. If...
  6. I have an inerview tomorrow!!!!

    I'd ask these as a new nurse and new hospice RN. What kind of mentoring process will be available for me being new to this speciality? What is your standard case load per case manager? ( usual depending can be 12-18 depending on acuity, demograp...
  7. Did I simply shadow a lazy Hospice RN during clinical?

    I agree with the ladies above. My current agency requires vs on every visit.. But I worked at one agency that did not. I would only take vital signs if there was a change in status! That is how that agency worked. I had one agency that only requi...
  8. Did I make the biggest mistake of my career?

    Good news. Our staff meeting I missed yesterday as I do not have an access code to our company voicemail and this is not my responsibility. I have been asking for weeks.. lol Yesteray I did't go to our last minute mandatory meeting. I got a chat...
  9. Did I make the biggest mistake of my career?

    I almost feel like I may just get let go at this point. I have been spoeken to by my acting manager more than I have been in the last 5 years put together... I would love to have a heart to heart with her,but the open door policy doesn't seem to be...
  10. Did I make the biggest mistake of my career?

    I don't work at Vitas, but I work at it biggest nation wide competitor! SO size mean NOTHING sista.
  11. A Definite Over Stepping of Boundaries

    Bad bad all around. I had a nursing colleague of mine who kept in contact with former family ( widower, and daughter ) of her dead patient. I heard that she was dating this wonderful man who gave the best kisses ever. Turned out to be the dead p...
  12. Yes, I have found out that new office I am at has a slew of new managers in place. Well, 2 exact, and 2 on stress leave. I finally have had a chance to interact with some of my new nursing colleagues and I feel very naive about my office. Toda...
  13. Shocking mistakes by "new supervisor". Staff losing respect.

    Yesterday I got a call from this manager ( I'd like to make it one day without having to talk to her please!!) Her issue? I got a call in from a family member the day before and they texted it out to me via phone. ( the only way this office can c...
  14. Whose patient is this???? assistance please

    This is WHY it's called and ELECTION OF BENEFIT. Big corporations don't get it. It's the patent agreeing and wanting to be on service. an election of hospice benefit.
  15. Shocking mistakes by "new supervisor". Staff losing respect.

    Its happening. I suppose supervisor #25 will be gone by summer. I was a team manager for a very short time. The dominant authoritative approach doesnt' work. You'd be amazed how much your staff will do for you if you listen and support them and ...
  16. Can a new graduate be a hospice RN?

    If you volunteer... you will be able to see the inside of the hospice, how it works and perhaps interact with patients on a volunteer basis. ( volunteers do not give medications, or act in a clinical way at all , but rather provide socialization a...
  17. Patients families dictating care and treatment

    MOM RN proceed with caution. This one has lawsuit from crazy family.
  18. What's the difference between per diem and registry....

    I agree with above. However, I find that a perdeim status usually means you are an employee used as needed. In a sense you are employed by the facility you work for. Registry is an agency that you work for that sends you to different facilities. ...
  19. Natural remedies at end of life???

    You must let the patient choose her course. It's her choice to be in pain and use alternative treatements. THe best thing you do is offer treatment.. and docuement everything. I had a very sweet hispanic family who absolutely was adamant about ...
  20. Discharge a patient because they go to er?

    Depends on if this is a cardiac hospice patient. If the pateint was admitted to the hospital or requested to have agressive tests.. a discharge if admitted would happen and if it was his decision to pursue more treatement a revocation would happ...
  21. Here we are with another bizarre twist with my agency. I was just handed my own assignment about 2 weeks ago. I like to especially on higher levels of care have a very clear frequent line of communication with my team and social worker and or chaplai...
  22. Team Mate working out of scope or practice?

    I have taken care of this. The SW understands I know my role.... and that I "appreciate" her "input" on the issue. "I have taken care of it". The family has been educated to call upon the RN (not the SW ) for all and ANY medical issues.. After al...
  23. Patients families dictating care and treatment

    But I have a hard time taking the dtr who is on your first patient seriously. 1 year of nursing school has given her huge huge case of delusional grandeur...... This was cut and pasted from my original comment word per word. If you get upset because...
  24. Patients families dictating care and treatment

    Part of being a class act is acknowledging when you offended, or unintentionally spoke without much thought which is what I did. I apologized. Is that not enough. It was said without much thought...... I apologize. Those scarios I posted did happ...
  25. Whose patient is this???? assistance please

    Make sure you clearly document this situation clearly from your side. CYA. I have had managers back pedal ans push the blame for patient revocation of services on the staff..