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All Content by rkumiwcc

  1. What is the Problem?

    I worked hard to get my license, and even harder to find a job. I actually found one really close to my house! Who would've thought right? Some of the staff were really calm and patient with me, especially since I'm a brand new nurse. However...the ...
  2. What is the Problem?

    I'm glad I'm not alone in this aspect. & I am so thankful for all the advice on how to deal with some of the CNA's here. it's just that much I understand I'm brand new so I would love to be part of the team and help out the CNA's. which I do quit...
  3. Burnout advice

    I am so tired. I've been battling so many things in these last two years that makes it difficult for me to do anything. I have no motivation to study or to do much really. I'm a pre nursing student....I never imagined it'd be this hard, and I can't s...
  4. southern westchester boces lpn program

    Your going to take the Cnet exam. Fairly simply, I strongly suggest purchasing the study guide they'll offer you($60). If you score into the 50th percentile in EACH catagory (reading comprehension, math, vocabulary) you'll recieve a letter or call fo...
  5. Burnout advice

    if any of you guys are from westchester, NY I'm trying to volunteer at the wartburg adult center. Anyone here experianced?
  6. Burnout advice

    Thank you all for your encouragement. I was thinking about volunteering at a hospital to see if nursing is still what I want to pursue. I start this monday. Its just so hard and I'm the type of person who's easily discouraged....but the moment I ste...
  7. Need advice for next step in Nursing

    I pulled in hard and 2 A's on my last two exams. Took the final today, maybe its enough to get a B. I figured since it counts against me, I may just go to Boces LPN program and look for a bridge program. No luck with the directors either. Thanks you ...
  8. Sorta embaressed to post this, but I think I really screwed up. I've taken Anatomy and Physiology 1 but made the freshman mistake and loaded on too many classes and got a D. B+ in all other prereqs but I haven't taken Micro or Nutr yet. Classes were ...
  9. Need advice for next step in Nursing

    wow i guess i'm the only that's ever been in this situation huh?