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  1. Someone called me & I did a phone interview..I was told all positions will start in July. I can't remember the exact date but I believe it was the
  2. New Grad Pay in San Antonio

    How are you liking San Antonio & your job? I'm thinking about attending Methodist's meet & greet on
  3. Methodist Hospital (Houston, TX)

    Go to memorialhermann.org & search careers. If you type in "new grad" all of the positions will come up. You can apply for a maximum of 5
  4. Harris Health System GN Internship (Ben Taub/LBJ)

    I agree! From the people I know that are currently with Harris Health, they have nothing but positive things to say. I hope we all at least get granted an interview. When everyone starts getting...
  5. MD Anderson Residency

    My thoughts exactly when I got that email. Lol Your job is out there! When anyone hears any good news please let us
  6. Harris Health System GN Internship (Ben Taub/LBJ)

    Is everyone that applied attending the Information session tomorrow? If so i'll see you
  7. Harris Health System GN Internship (Ben Taub/LBJ)

    Yes a BSN is
  8. MD Anderson Residency

    Don't believe there is a gpa requirement nor do you need to submit anything besides a resume along with the application. If you have reference letters it wouldn't hurt to attach as well or bring with...
  9. MD Anderson Residency

    That sounds about right. I was told they would probably be hiring 30-40 people and for the summer about the same & possibly more depending on unit needs. For those who have yet to receive a call...
  10. MD Anderson Residency

    Honestly, your chances are pretty good especially if you had a good interview. My panel interview was not great but it wasn't terrible. I had a brain freeze when the last panelist asked questions. I...
  11. Harris Health System GN Internship (Ben Taub/LBJ)

    A few of my former classmates started the GN program in Jan & they all love it so far. Staff is supporting and everyone seems to have great preceptors. I don't know anyone at LBJ but I'm sure all...
  12. Harris Health System GN Internship (Ben Taub/LBJ)

    The information session is March 16th @9am. You must apply and get the invite to RSVP to attend. I believe I received it within 2-3 days of applying. The info session is just as it sounds. They will...
  13. MD Anderson Residency

    Congrats to those who have panel interviews this week. Sometimes it only takes days to get a call back & sometimes it takes weeks. If you haven't heard anything yet don't give up. Until you have...
  14. MD Anderson Residency

    Congrats!! That is great news!! I hope somebody from this thread gets offered a position, lol Good luck..keep us
  15. MD Anderson Residency

    I was informed via email today that I am not being offered a position for the spring residency. Good luck to the rest of you guys & hope you get calls for