RNicholask BSN, RN

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All Content by RNicholask

  1. RNicholask

    Pre-Pharmacy gone Pre-Nursing

    Hello world. I was taking pre-pharmacy classes to go to Pharmacy school but after working at a retail pharmacy for 2 and 1/2 years and also the hospital pharmacy for 1 and 1/2 years. It turned out to be not everything I was expecting that I wanted s...
  2. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Yah. I still haven't purchased pda books and still need to order a couple textbooks on amazon lol this break is making me lazzzzyyyyy. Wow And stetho.. LOL
  3. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Yeah it seems as if they're not very sure either. There is some type of misunderstanding between the professors and the school. I'm sure we won't be punished even if we have the wrong one tomorrow, but it seems that most of us have the i.d that has a...
  4. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    I don't know what the right one is, but mine has a blue background that has maricopa mesa banner boswell nursing on it. Hm... When we originally received our welcome letter/calendar my proff mentioned a list of things to bring. She also said to come...
  5. RNicholask

    Littmann stethoscope

    Hello! Im starting the banner boswell program in 2 weeks and I too need a stethoscope for clinicals.... I've been doing research for the last month by reading reviews and other posts. Littmans seems to be the best even though its pricey. Seems like...
  6. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    OMG... what a bad night. Sheesh. Makes me sometimes want to move out of state to a quiter more "homey" area. lol So I was working today and met a nurse in pacu that shared her school story with me. I try to approach friendly looking nurses to ask que...
  7. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Hm. I guess now with the economy being where its at itd be nice to have a guaranteed job right after school. I used to think I wouldn't like contracts so im not limited as to where I can work but that my friend graduated recently and shes already wor...
  8. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Omg.... That's terrible. Glad everything worked out and you've made it this far! Congrats I was wondering if any of the banner priority students having banner pay for your tuition? Know any info about it? I'm assuming we dont but I wanted to know fo...
  9. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    No..... Back from boarding yesterday.... one day trip.... but heres this story... and trust me.... you DID NOT want to be there..... So.... Every year i go boarding with friends i have NEVER driven..... I guess im lucky that way because driving up t...
  10. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    great minds think alike.
  11. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    I'll wear a name tag that says...,"hello, my name is Mursenick" lol
  12. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Omg thank you azstu25..... Im snowboarding right now and at the lodge and COMPLETELY forgot about tuition due.... Thank you! ! ! ! Wow... I wouldve got a call or email from you know who... LoL Yeahh let us know how the first day went. :)
  13. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Right? But ive already told my gf that I refuse to use an airplane luggage rolly suitcase. I will actually carry 3 backpacks if necessary...
  14. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    ok I need to stop being lazy and order my steth and pda books! Anyone get elec pda books yet?
  15. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Sorry.. Lol I'm like la la la gloating. -_- Hi five Asacco
  16. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Ma or ms....
  17. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Personal. Maybe you dont have our same professor?
  18. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Yah! ! ! Wahoooooo..... Snowboarding timeeeeeeee
  19. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Is it just me or is anyone else jumping up and down that we have another week off and dont start school till the 24th? At first I was bummed because I want to jump right in. but I try looking at the positive in things and now I can work to pay off s...
  20. RNicholask

    RN-MSN For Unemployed New Grad

    Hi. I'm just starting nursing school in 2 weeks going towards my adn and I'm starting to get a bit worried about finding a job after school from everything I've read. Im considering doing a rn-msn route. Does anyoneknow if those few online rn-msn p...
  21. RNicholask

    Pre-Pharmacy gone Pre-Nursing

    Oh awesome! I'm so glad I'm hearing so much positive feedback! I hope these next 2 years go by fast! I want to jump right in
  22. RNicholask

    Pre-Pharmacy gone Pre-Nursing

    Yeah.. I've been hearing these same things from the nurses I ask at work. And I don't know if I would go.for msn for sure, but def considering it because id love love a crna. I do at the end of the day or at least some days I can say that I made a s...
  23. RNicholask

    Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Yes! Haha... Ive been searching through the forums.. And I came across this website where they have decent prices for stethoscopes plus you can get a free engraving! Classic II SE Stethoscope - Littmann Stethoscopes including Cardiology III, Classic...
  24. RNicholask

    Pre-Pharmacy gone Pre-Nursing

    Thanks serenity1! its nice to know that my joUy Yyyyyyb that ive been at for the last couple years will help me through school and continue to until I graduate. Preeps: in my opinion there is nothing wrong with being a pharmacist. But I believe tha...
  25. RNicholask

    Pre-Pharmacy gone Pre-Nursing

    Nylady: I couldn't agree with your take on pharmacy more! I do hope nursing challenges me and hope my knowledge in drugs help me throughout nursing school. I def will consider crna! Def want to shoot for msn. Thanks for the advice and encouragement...