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  1. my question was not whether to report anyone. my question was what sort of things am i OBLIGATED to report. to protect my
  2. what should or shouldnt you report to the charge nurse or DON that you see going on as far as aides not respecting the
  3. okay. my question is... also kind of a statement. I am a CNA. and i am proud to wear that title. I love my job. I am a human being. I also understand that as a CNA , i have a responsibility to get my...
  4. CNA II classes worth the time

    thanks! i will deff check into getting my cna 2
  5. CNA II classes worth the time

    no i do not live in oregon, actually.... way on the other side of the us. but i already work with "professionals" as you implied. and in my state hospitals hire nurse aide 1s. i just didnt know how it...
  6. i am currently a CNA 1 interested in cna 2 so that i may do catheter insertion and things like that. but i was wondering do cna 2s get paid more and do more. i currently work as a cna, so i didnt...
  7. CNA's/PCT's how much do you make?

    CNA north carolina 11.50 per hour 3rd
  8. Soon to be CNA - need advice please!

    yeah the VA is a really great place to work in terms of the medical field. good luck in your career path and i pray it takes you where you want to be! im in nursing school at rccc so i am hoping to be...
  9. Soon to be CNA - need advice please!

    haha. yes i know much of the VA, half of my family works there. they pay great, the benefits are incredible. BUT they will not accept anyone with any less than 1 years experience, and your references...
  10. CNA exam skills part???

    tjjjsbass, call NACES and ask them. they will let you know what the physical address
  11. Soon to be CNA - need advice please!

    BAYADA is hiring A LOT right now.. they are home care, but totally worth the money they pay pretty
  12. Soon to be CNA - need advice please!

    oh also i forgot to put that rowan area pays anywhere from 7.50 p/h to 14.00 an hour for CNA. depending on shift and experience, most places there is a 2nd shift differential and a 3rd differential....
  13. Soon to be CNA - need advice please!

    Rowan Regional Medical Center will usually only hire CNAs with at least 6 months experience, BUT that is what i was told. Deff. try though. Put your Application out there as many places as possible....