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  1. Loma Linda Children's 2011

    anyone got hired
  2. Did anyone else receive a call? Im still
  3. Loma Linda Children's 2011

    I hope they contact more people for Intermediate
  4. UCSF RN Residency 2011

    Thanks Veganurse!! I'm gonna anticipate that there will be a case study type qs. Also thanks for the offer, Im staying at a friend's's on Friday, when's yours?! Maybe I'll run into ya! &...
  5. UCSF RN Residency 2011

    Yay! I received an email today regarding the interview! I am nervous & excited. I have absolutely no idea how their interviews are like (types of qs, behavioral, clinical etc.) some...
  6. 2010 - UCSF / Stanford RN Residency Interview?

    Hi! For those who were hired at UCSF, can you also give me some interview tips/suggestions? Thank
  7. UCSF RN Residency 2011

    Hi! Just wanna start this thread about UCSF RN Residency 2011. For those who applied, have you heard anything back?
  8. Loma Linda Children's 2011

    So this is the 3rd week am I right? When I called HR last week they said within 4-6 weeks since we applied so let's give it a few more weeks :) i think it's in the unit managers hands now, when...
  9. Loma Linda Children's 2011

    YUP YUP. same
  10. Anyone starting at UCI medical center as a new grad

    Has anyone else heard from UCI? I applied to both Med/Surg & SICU new grad apps this month. The recruiter said both my apps have been routed to the manager, but that's about it so
  11. Loma Linda Children's 2011

    @ebrivero: I have no idea for peds intermediate. I hope a lot so we can all get hired :) @princess pickles: sounds like they're contacting by units! @mistersimba: don't lose hope, u haven't gotten...
  12. Loma Linda Children's 2011

    Hey ebrivero...! Congrats on getting a call, I'm just wondering which unit called you? I applied to intermediate icu.. I hope to hear back from them
  13. Loma Linda Children's 2011

    Aww I'm sorry to hear that toin43. I got an email today saying my app is screened by a recruiter & will be forwarded to the manager to review. Anyone else got the same email? Good luck to all of...
  14. Loma Linda Children's 2011

    wwooops! 2, sorry.This anticipation just makes it feel longer.
  15. Loma Linda Children's 2011

    its been 3 weeks since I applied, I hope we hear back from them