
steven007 BSN, MSN



All Content by steven007

  1. Advantages to being a male nurse

    Kind of sexist, hahaha. I know plenty of women stronger than me ^.^.
  2. No Nursing Shortage At The Present Time

    Awesome article! And very true! Sometimes I feel depressed by the sheer number of people I meet who are nurses. It kind of takes the excitement and novelty out of the saying "I'm a nurse". Still, it is a decent profession and continues to make advan...
  3. Working in Germany as a RN

    Hey Silva! You may be surprised to learn that Nursing in Germany is not a regulated profession like in most countries! Now, I am not German so I cannot speak for the current regulations regarding German nurse and certifications; however, I have done...
  4. The CNO-RPN exam makes me feel very hopeless

    The answer to that question is pretty obvious, ataxia gait is always late stage. The tingling of the fingers indicates the formation of peripheral neuropathy which leads to the actual ataxia.
  5. Drain removal information

    So, We are being tested the first day of school on some basic nursing principles like wound irrigation and stuff. Which is all fine but they are asking us to know how to empty and remove JP, Hemovac and penrose drain. We were only taught how to remo...
  6. Drain removal information

    Thanks A TON! This is EXTREMELY HELPFUL! You are absolutely AMAZING! Would you happen to also have info for penrose drain removal? :)
  7. "Nurses Are So Mean"

    Honestly, Sometimes, it takes a *****. I mean, some of the patients out there take nurses for granted. Are rude and just have a general lack of humility. They treat you like **** and expect everything in return. Sure, nures by their job description...
  8. OK, So where did I learn this...?!

    I'm actually glad you told me about that! That brings me to an issue I didn't discuss in the article, matter of opinion. Most nursing questions are also matter of opinion and what that particular nurse would do in a situation. I mean, you cannot spea...
  9. OK, So where did I learn this...?!

    Thanks a lot for your kind comment! I am glad to see it helps! =)
  10. IV question

    So, this is frustrating me. Heparin 20000 units in 500 ml bag of 5%D/W. What rate would you set the pump at to deliver ü 1000 units per hour ü 800 units per hour ü 960 units per hour So, it translates to 2ml per hour, because if you hav...
  11. IV question

    Oh okay, thanks, you helped! I didn'T realize there was the 20,000 thing there, this makes MUCH more sense now, so each mL has 40 units of heparin. GOtcha! Thanks!!!
  12. IV question

    This doesn'T help me at all, it doesn't make sense. I know how to cross multiply, it's not the math I have a problem with. I'm very good at math, I just don't understand what I'm setting the pump to if the answer is 2ml an hour.
  13. Fun NCLEX Scenario Quiz!

    I did up a little scenario for fun! It's just five questions but I think they're very good ones, if I do say so myself! =) A nurse working in the ER is assigned to Mr. Bob, an 82 year old male patient who was admitted from his long term care facili...
  14. Fun NCLEX Scenario Quiz!

    1. In ontario, according to our regulatory body, if O2 is not administered and you absolutely see a need to administer it, you generally start off at 2 L and evaluate. Work up from 2L as a base point. Generally you start with NC, which can only...
  15. Conventionally Clinging to the Conventional

    Hey! Thanks for the comment! It is really interesting indeed to hear some people's beliefs of herbal medications! My best friend's (who is a nurse as well) mother makes mushroom milk, she basically ferments mushrooms and drinks it once a month. She s...
  16. In this day and age there is a growing population of elderly and chronically ill patients. With major chronic illnesses like major depressive disorder, coronary artery disease and HIV; people are relying more and more on pharmaceuticals to sustain, e...
  17. It's RN, Not MD.

    I'm afraid you cannot speak on behalf of the sum 1.2 million nurses that populate the world. Ontop of that you cannot presume to know what another nurse (or even individual for that matter) feels and/or thinks. You can only interpret. This is a basi...
  18. It's RN, Not MD.

    The article was director towards nursing students, as was emphasized =). I don't expect you would hear this upon graduation! Unfortunately, more and more idiots are graduating. My mom is dean of Nursing at a university here, and she shakes her head ...
  19. It's RN, Not MD.

    I agree. I bought the current medical diagnosis and treatment book and as we go through each system in my pathology class, i not only read the pathology book but i read the system outo f the current medical diagnosis book. It takes a lot of disciplin...
  20. It's RN, Not MD.

    Thanks =). And you're right! I usually like to edit my material thoroughly but this was a spontaneous idea that just popped into my head and so I kind of rushed it. :-). Good luck with your schooling! =D
  21. accidental fingerstick

    It is so very unlikely you would catch it. I take it you immediately washed the area, I would hope. Colonization cannot happen that fast and if you pricked your finger only it's only came into contact with a capillary. It's so very unlikely you got a...
  22. Wanna Be "RN"

    Where I live, that's illegal! And also, that's degrading to other LPNs! I mean, it seems like she's ashamed of her status of LPN but really, a nurse is a nurse. And after 25 years of experience she's probably as competent as an RN, but that doesn't m...
  23. I finished the BSN.

    I'm so jealous! Congradulations on all Of your success! :)
  24. health professional while married

    Whoever complains about being married to an RN/LPN is a jerk! I mean, nurses and doctors are great people, they make a difference and are always willing to help! Plus, if something goes wrong with them, they have someone to take care of them and fix ...
  25. Types of Nursing Jobs

    If you don't really want to work as a bedside nurse I wouldn't advise nursing. Nursing school alone consists of numerous hours of bedside nursing practice in which you are doing things that a nurse will never have to do in most places, and will have ...