

Cardiac Critical Care, Trauma, Neuro.

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About Sherwood

Sherwood has 12 years experience and specializes in Cardiac Critical Care, Trauma, Neuro..

I have spent my entire adult life in healthcare nearly 30 years

Latest Activity

  1. Centerpoint nurses to Decertify Union

    Congratulations to the Nurses at Centerpoint for taking a stand! We will stand by you all the way. If we can be of any help let us know.
  2. Employee Free Choice Act Passes House

    The "Employee Free Choice Act" would remove your right to vote in a voting booth in private. Union organizers and employees supporting the union can surround you in the parking lot, corner you in the...
  3. Any RN's in Orange County California

    I truly love Orange County California. Sitting in between Los Angeles and San Diego on the coast and Riverside and San Bernardino inland, Orange County has access to so much. We have several great...
  4. Any RN's in Orange County California

    I'm an RN from the heart of Orange County California. What are your questions? Congratulations on your choice of nursing! I've been an RN almost 12 years and in healthcare for nearly 30 years. I am...
  5. I believe that staffing ratios are good for patients and of course nurses. The California Nurses Association, other nursing groups as well as individuals all worked and are working to maintain and...
  6. Here is the document showing how the California Nurses Association chose the give up recognition of Inland Valley Medical Center instead of continuing the fight against being decertified....
  7. Pro-nurse, pro-employee grassroots efforts by a small but determined group of Inland Valley staff can be credited with forcing the hand of the California Nurses Association. Their tenacity and...
  8. The California Nurse Association has withdrawn representation of Inland Valley Medical Center in Wildomar, California under strong grassroots pressure to decertify the union. A decertification...
  9. Once again Nancy it shows how the California Nurses Association cares nothing about the will of the people. They claim to be the "voice for nurses" yet when the nurses use that voice and the words...
  10. quote I think we both believe in the power of a secret ballot , we also agree that both sides of the argument should be presented freely to the electorate . But you appear to believe that the Unions...
  11. here is another source of information on the secret ballot protection act: the original sponsor of the bill, congressman...
  12. Sometimes one has to start a little fire to get the crowd to gather. Looks like I poured gasoline onto this one! Is there a burn nurses in the house?:angryfire:angryfire:angryfire There is a madness...
  13. yeah!!!!! now your talking. here is my argument: secret ballot protection act: a union and it's supporters campaign at a business trying to convince employees there that unionizing would be in their...
  14. let your representatives know that when they support the employee free choice act, they also have the backing of the communist party usa!
  15. Nurses' Unions

    Your endorsement of the employee free choice act can be posted right here along with the Communist Party USA's resolution: If the Communists think...