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All Content by pippylockstocking

  1. I hate my job. What do I do?

    Hello fellow nurses, After many thousands of dollars for student loan debt, and a couple years under my sleeve in med-surg nursing, I have realized that I just can't do it. I graduated and things felt like I was on top of the world. A year into my fi...
  2. I have a paper for a Case Management assignment. The first 3-5 pages of my paper are 99% patient report (health history, family history, social history, etc.). Do I need to use citations? And if so, what is the proper way to do that in this situa...
  3. Anyone got a favorite website or know of one that does a nice concise summary of each of the nursing theorists? I know that many of the theorists are very "out there". So if you have a website that explains them in easy to understand terms, I'd ap...
  4. patient reported health history, how to cite in APA?

    I have a feeling you are correct. Since it's a personal medical history, and taking confidentiality into account, it's not something that can be referenced. I do know about the APA citations for a "interview", but I think that's a different situat...
  5. help with Case Management paper needed

    I have a Case Management paper due for a BSN course. The client I chose is a 64 yo woman with Stage IV Breast Cancer with mets to the lungs. I have completed 3/4 of the paper. But this one criteria is where I could use a little help. If anyone can...
  6. Getting Report

    I always prefer if people wait to ask questions until the end or near the end. Because chances are they will answer your question before they finish giving report. If someone keeps interrupting, then it just takes that much longer. Plus it's kind of ...
  7. How does administering PRN medications work?

    Hi Kay, This is a great example. This is actually the point I was trying to make but sometimes I tend to go off on tangents without getting my point across. Ok so your example said Morphine 1-2 mg. Now at one time I know alot of orders were written ...
  8. Gabapentin?

    What is the patient's PMH? maybe there's something you missed. Has the patient ever had shingles?
  9. I hate my job. What do I do?

    In my county, there is the hospital I work at now. Another hospital a few blocks away, which is now part of the same system since merger. So same hospital, just 2 different locations. And a 3rd hospital close to my house, but has a bad reputation......
  10. I hate my job. What do I do?

    You wrote a book? That is amazing! I guess you aren't allowed to tell me which book are you?
  11. Careplan goal help?!!!

    Since this is an OR rotation, you'd probably want to stick more with things that apply to a pre-op patient, rather an a post-op. But could use post-op if you plan to see the patient in recovery, and on the med-surg floor. Some that come to mind: Ris...
  12. How does administering PRN medications work?

    There are PRN medications for lots of overthings. There are those for pain, as mentioned already, GI upset, as mentioned already... there is also Skin treatments, and Cardiac meds, Anti-anxiety, Sedatives, etc. You always want to check what the pa...
  13. Questions regarding psych nursing?

    Hello, I personally enjoyed my Psyche rotation very much. And if you prefer to do something along the lines of Critical Care, you can do Acute Overdose? Psyche patients will never go to a psyche unit until they are medically stable. So you will de...
  14. How does neuromuscular disorders affect oral medication

    Well it would depend on the type of disorder, and how advanced the disease is. For example Myasthenia Gravis can affect the swallowing ability, so choking could be a hazard in the advanced stages. People with MS can have altered speech, altered swall...
  15. Arriving early and not clocking in

    Conquerer, you are exactly right. In my state we also have an Abandonment rule. You could risk medical negligence/malpractice and risk losing your license or worse! The purpose of taping report is so that during your "overlap" period when the new s...
  16. priority nursing questions

    Amber, these questions are designed to get you to critically think. They seem like they are "trick" questions, but really it's not difficult once you get the hang of it. You want to work at seeing the Signs & Symptoms. This is going to come from...
  17. Labs, when do I have to call the MD?

    awww well hello there Cheyfire... that is where I would eventually like to go but everything in education requires a Master's. I am not even finished my BSN yet. But thank you so much for your kind words.
  18. Really disappointed with the reality of nursing.

    NurseFrustrated, You don't work at my hospital do you? LOL. The things you say and how you describe it sounds scarily similar to my hospital.
  19. Labs, when do I have to call the MD?

    One last thing... a few Hyaline casts are normal... Now if you get a UA back that is showing moderate to many bacteria, the patient has a fever, and a elevated WBC, and mental changes... You got a UTI going on, so you need to call ASAP. Does that...
  20. Labs, when do I have to call the MD?

    Well one thing to keep in mind is how are these abnormal labs affecting the patient? If the patient is asymptomatic then sometimes you can just fax. If the patient is symptomatic then that will affect your decision on calling. The big things are t...
  21. Arriving early and not clocking in

    Klone, I just looked back... the OP is another poster. I don't recall responding to any of your messages. My input was in regards to the OP and in agreement with a post made by Tittytat. It seems like you were a little offended, but I was only res...
  22. Arriving early and not clocking in

    I never said you said that. I was referring to Tittytat's post regarding the people who come in early to start complaining about their assignment and trying to get moved. I was not referring to the OP. I was referring in general to those people wh...
  23. Arriving early and not clocking in

    Ok, wondering what kind of floor is this that you only have 4 patients? Is it an ICU step down? or similar kind? And what is going on that you don't report until 7:50? Why doesn't the night shift tape record? And what time is report "supposed" t...
  24. Arriving early and not clocking in

    I understand that some may want that extra time to get their "brain" written down. But I tend to agree with Tittytat on this one. If they are going to stand around, asking questions, and trying to get their preferred assignment then they are being ...
  25. Electronic Charting Question

    oh man... CPSI? if there's anyway you can talk them out of that then you should... that program is lousy! It's very difficult to navigate, slow, crashes all the time... There are much better programs on the market.