Future SRNA

Future SRNA

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All Content by Future SRNA

  1. Pneumonic for GAS LAW

    How about: P T V (Paid T V) C B G (Can be Good) Charle's Law --> Pressure remains contant Boyle's Law --> Temperature remains constant Gay L Law ---> Volume remains constant I hope this helps, Yamile
  2. Kaiser Permanente Pasadena Thread

    Hi bjon: I actually live in L.A. (La Crescenta), but at the present time I am attending a nurse anesthesia program very far away from home, University of Maryland. Anyway, anything to reach my goals. Just wanted to give you the name of a few good are...
  3. CRNA schools in California

    You are right. There are only three schools in California. Two in L.A. (Kaiser and USC) and one in San Francisco (Samuel Merrit College). For some reason, there are not as many choices in the West as they are in the East. I ended relocating to Baltim...
  4. georgetown vs. umab

    Hi Jean: I am a student at University of Md. anesthesia program. Although the program is very oriented toward helping the students to get throght, we have paid a high price for being the first ones. I can give you details if you wish. Our present dir...
  5. Ethical issue paper

    Just wondering if any SRNAs or CRNAs could help. I need to do an ethical issue paper that nurses confront in advanced practice. It has to be related to anesthesia. I am in my first year of CRNA and this paper is for one of my core courses "Organizati...
  6. Congratulations To Me........!!!!!!!!!!!

    :balloons: This deserves a big celebration. Congratulation and thank you for being such an inspiration to many of us. I am just finishing my first semester at University of Maryland, long way to go. Wishing you the best in the years to come.
  7. Gre...again!

    I got accepted at University of Maryland w/ 900/4 3.8 GPA. The pool of applicants last year had about the same average, so it all depends on the people aplying that year and how high or low their scores are, Also experience and interview counts a gre...
  8. Keeping the Faith - I got in!

    :balloons: Congratulations. I personally believe that getting organized is the key to success. Start by making a list of everything you need to accomplish in two weeks and work on it. You will do fine.
  9. tuition

    I will be starting at UMB, Maryland, August 30th. Moving from CA, paying out of state rates the first year. Tuition alone: $15,000. This doesn't include books and supplies, fees, my health insurance (required by school), and malpractice insurance. My...
  10. LOTS of Questions!!!!! Please stop in, if you can...

    Susana:I am not sure if you are an RN yet, but if you are the best you could do for yourself and to answer your questions is to Shadow a CRNA for a few days. That is what I did, and it helped to make an educated decision regarding my career. I hope t...
  11. What's going to keep you motivated????

    Sure the road will be difficult and bumpy, but keeping myself focus on the final prize is what will keep me going: a well respected profession, autonomy, knowledge to make safe independent decisions in the well-being of my patients, becoming part of ...
  12. Finding a place to live in Maryland, will move there the second week of August. Plan to work ICU the first two weeks of July. My husband is giving my B-day, X-mass, congratulation present ahead of time "Cruise in Europe". the last two weeks of July, ...
  13. Please don't give up, I got in: I have been a member of this forum for a year, and through out this year I have worked very hard to gain my acceptance into CRNA School. This week I got my letter of acceptance at University of Maryland, September 2...
  14. Any other new students getting really nervous?

    Thank you all of you for sharing those feelings. So, I'm not the only one. I am anxious and of course nervous of the unknown. What has helped me the most to ease these feelings is to think of the past. I am hispanic and came to this country with very...
  15. Roll Call for the Class of 2006

    University of Maryland, Baltimore. Orientation August 17. Taking a cruise to Greece/Europe the last two weeks of July and relocating to Baltimore the first week of August. Nervous of the unknown, but happy and ready for the challenge.
  16. CRNA Licence

    I have a question I know you will be able to answer for me. I was wondering if once you obtain a licence as a CRNA or pass CRNA boards, are you entitled to practice in any of the 50 states? If that isn't the case, how do you get a licence in other s...
  17. CRNA Licence

    Thank you for your information. I will be reading the aana web page to get informed in reference to this subject.