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About BACKDROPsilhouette

I'm 17 years old and was just accepted into the nursing program. I was born and raised in Texas. Although I live in VA now, I'm moving back to Texas as soon as I graduate (: I have 4 younger siblings. I love music with a passion<3

Latest Activity

  1. New Nursing student - doing some research!

    Hmm, I'll definitely look into some RN to BSN programs in Texas! I didn't know that Texas was more open to taking on new grads and had those type of programs, so thanks for that. And yes, it is...
  2. New Nursing student - doing some research!

    thank you for all of your answers. now i can relax a little and not obsessively research! oh, and i couldn't reply to your message because i don't have the ability to send private messages yet (i...
  3. How to survive clinicals

    Clinicals seem scary. According to my aunt, who is doing clinicals to be a surgical technician, it's tough. I'll just read as many threads on here as possible for
  4. Getting over the poop smell

    I'm not sure about the adult smell, but I know with the baby poop smell it took me some time to get used to. I'm still in Nursing school, but I've babysat plenty of babies and I mostly had to hold my...
  5. Fictional-Hospital Scrubs for Real-Life Nurses

    Well they also have other themed scrubs, such as tinkerbell and Child Disney movies xD If the scrubs were comfortable, I would wear Grey's Anatomy scrubs even though I have never seen that show in my...
  6. Nervous, nervous, nervous

    I'm just starting nursing school, but now that I'm in I'm really nervous and scared. I just fear that once I start the Nursing courses, I'm going to have a hard time remembering everything we're...
  7. New Grad!! Still no Job

    Finding a job is difficult, but it sounds like this latest interview looks good! I wish you the best of luck and all I can say is to have faith and don't give
  8. RNC Review Course

    I'm just a nursing student, but this thread brought up memories >.> My mom used to work at Methodist Dallas about 3-4 years ago when I was in middle school! I'm going to look at that March of...
  9. New Nursing student - doing some research!

    Hello all! I'm 17 years old and I was just accepted into a nursing program. I'm doing Nursing because I want to work in the NICU really badly, but trying to figure out where to start and how to go...