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About Kitsey

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  1. I am a CNA and do not feel I need to be included on a forum for nurses. I am not a nurse. Not to be rude to anyone (and again, I AM a CNA) but we don't really have to know much at all to pass...
  2. holiday pay

    If you work the holiday you get double time and a half. If you don't work it, you get paid based on your status. Full timers get paid 8 hours, 3/4 timers get 6 hours, 1/2 timers get 4 hours,
  3. do you wear a watch?

    I carry my phone because I use it instead of a watch. I suppose my LTC has no good staff then because all of us, including the nurses, have their phones on them. Today I used it to take photos of the...
  4. do you wear a watch?

    Nope, in my LTC we do not take vitals. I carry my phone, but I am not supposed too
  5. no more alarms for fall risks!

    Yup, our new plan is to go around with the nurse at bedcheck and just pick everyone up off the floor and tuck them back into bed right before nightshift comes. Also considering buying everyone those...
  6. one of those nights

    lol-this is us just about every day. 1 dementia unit. 2 1:1's, and 3 aides. You do the
  7. no more alarms for fall risks!

    We are going through this at my facility as we speak. The goal is to be alarm free by the new year. They have started taking away alarms from the ones who are less of a risk. Now we have residents...
  8. We do have one of those residents in my nursing home. They are a family full of nurses who feel the need to police us daily. Nothing is good enough for them and we hear about it all the time. We are...
  9. How much is too much?? Help?!

    Wow-at my facility if you are mandated, you are not able to be mandated again for 3 months. My facility does not have my cell phone number, and my home phone has caller id. If I don't want to work I...
  10. New CNA- How to deal with body pain

    I work in the dementia/Alzheimer unit of a LTCF. The resident doesn't really even seem to know what we are doing. The one I was speaking of would not be able to hold a walker, his hands are contracted...
  11. New CNA- How to deal with body pain

    I use the lifts and stands, but that doesn't help when you are told you MUST walk certain residents, even if 'walking' them means 3 aides holding them up and dragging them down the hall. One of my...
  12. I am in Western Wisconsin. Not sure about Medication Aides, my experience is limited to a single
  13. CNAs don't take vitals at my facility and we did not learn to take blood pressure in my class. I asked why we would not be learning that skill and the instructor said that since we don't take vitals...
  14. Shocked with my CNA clinicals.

    I would say yes, that is how it really is. Sometimes you just have to use what you've got (and I am not saying this is RIGHT, but I am saying this does happen in real life). In my unit we haven't had...
  15. should i take a cpr class now or...?

    My facility in Wisconsin also doesn't care if we have it or