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All Content by Vossome

  1. Schedule issues.

    I think the OP is saying since she is working sat and sunday noct. 11-7 she gets out at 7a monday morning, and has to then report back on tuesday, thus technically making 7 straight days.... That's what I gathered anyway.
  2. Stop being so miserable

    Being a new graduate, working for about 6 months now on the floor, I just got my first batch of students from the local comm. college. Not only is it stressful being new to the profession just out of my orientaton, but now I have students to mentor....
  3. Stop being so miserable

    We're nurses- We are not working for tips.
  4. Burnt Bridges

    Ever notice in this career field, it is more about WHO you know, rather than WHAT you know? Let me preface this post by stating I am not trying to brag, rub anything in anyone's face, or anything of the sort. I have been tremendously lucky- and I re...
  5. Burnt Bridges

    Vegas2009, Seems as if THEY burnt THEIR bridges with YOU who was willing to help THEM out. Not you buring yours! That would've drove me NUTS! and I would have absolutely done the same thing!
  6. Am I crazy?

    Firstly, I am truley sorry for your situation with your children. It is an unimaginable thought to go through what your family has and continues to. Secondly, it is understandable where you are coming from, with wanting to not lose your motivation an...
  7. One time while working as a CNA in an ALF, a while back, we had a resident that probably should have been in a skilled facility because she was slightly more demented than originally assessed. Anyway, my co-worker at the time (another CNA) and I wer...
  8. I once had a fellow nursing student get kicked out of the program, because she neglected to replace the Nasal Cannula on a very O2 dependant pt. The pt. desat'd to 80%, and she did this TWICE. Also never put up the side-rails to an extremely high ris...
  9. Guys: what made you want to go into nursing?

    I was on a clinical rotation for an EMT class I was taking at the time in the ER, and I just watched the nurses in action- and it was unbelievable how much autonomy, respect, and confidence they all had in their work. I knew right then and there- I w...
  10. LVN and LPN, HELP!

    Check with North Carolina Board of Nursing for NC LPN Licensing requirements. However if your LVN program is an accredited program, there really shouldn't be any issues. Everything is typically the same. The NCLEX-PN is a standardized national test, ...