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DNURSENSOCAL has 13 years experience as a MSN, APRN, NP and specializes in Surgery.

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  1. Surgical NP

    The surgical NP is new to my hospital any privilege forms or articles anyone is willing to
  2. PACU Pay

    I am doing a research project for my hospital I currently work in . What is the current amount of pay in PACU with what amount of experience? Thank
  3. Everest College Ontario RN program

    I am a recent graduate of Everest College and your right all instructors were very supportive except for one. Where did you do your ER
  4. I am look for a college that i can start my BSN with a condition that I get my RN license before a period of time. The only reason I dont have the license is because i just finished an ADN program...
  5. What college will take credits from ???

    I am referring to all classes so I can get my BSN accomplished. In other words who will take the most credits or even if they will. So far no school is looking at the
  6. what college that is regionally accredited will take credit from a school accredited by ACICS?
  7. Info on UTA online RN-BSN?

    anyone in california taking the online RN-BSN at
  8. Everest College Ontario RN program

    I am in the program already. But I took the PSB test. They gave us a packet with sample questions. If you didnt get one ask maybe they can give you an idea of what to study. I got questions in math,...