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  1. In the Navy, nurses (doctors, lawyers, dentists, other "license holding professionals") go to ODS. I am not sure if other branches
  2. Active Duty Navy Direct Accession FY 2017

    The process depends on you and your recruiter. Some people it takes 6 months, and others it takes much longer. I wouldn't count on anything less than 6 months though, and that's being generous....
  3. Active Duty Navy Direct Accession FY 2017

    congrats! 3 months to Scroll. I think I spoke to the detailer the week after I was selected. My friend spoke to the detailer the next
  4. MSN w/ forensic it worth it?

    I think there are jobs out there for you, you just have to seek them out. I have a friend who is an on call SANE nurse. She doesn't work in a specific ER, but works for a major hospital system. Her...
  5. Active Duty Navy Direct Accession FY 2017

    Seems we are all August ODS at this point. Is everyone still waiting on their scroll and
  6. Navy FY18 Direct Assessions

    I'm just curious..... has anyone been flat out denied? You can message me if you prefer. I know we all know how grueling this process is. My best guess is 98% of applicant weed themselves
  7. Navy FY18 Direct Assessions

    Awesome news!!!!!
  8. Active Duty Navy Direct Accession FY 2017

    I think we are all in the same boat. I think 98% of us were told mid January we would have results. It's a cruddy feeling, but it feels good to know we aren't alone..... except I just found out my...
  9. Navy FY18 Direct Assessions

    Thanks, Miss! I hope we all hear something
  10. Navy FY18 Direct Assessions

    No news is good news? í ½í¹„í ½í¹„í ½í¹„í ½í¹„í ½í¹„í ½í¹„í ½í¹„í ½í¹„í ½í¹„ Yesterday I was contacted about a Hand Written Statement stating my...
  11. Active Duty Navy Direct Accession FY 2017

    Any updates? I don't even know if my package went to the board in December, so I am really on pins and
  12. Navy FY18 Direct Assessions

    I am very excited for you. I like your plan, I think it's a good one. I'm going active. My recruiter told me I shouldn't expect results anytime soon. I guess I am technically the Dec 15 board, even...
  13. Navy FY18 Direct Assessions

    CONGRATS!!!!! What are you credentialed for? You give me hope that their is a light at the end of the tunnel.
  14. Navy FY18 Direct Assessions

    Im okay with knowing something, anything before the end of the year. Time to sit and wait some
  15. Navy FY18 Direct Assessions

    Hey!!!! I'm credentialed for Critical Care, and have been in the ICU about a year and a half. I was active duty for 5 years. I'm a little confused. My package was submitted at the end of November,...