Mandychelle79 ASN, RN


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All Content by Mandychelle79

  1. Mandychelle79

    Going that extra mile ... literally

    Ive driven to work, making tracks, snow to door handles of the subaru I was driving. Three closed roads and 2 hours late ( and I left 1.5 hours earlier than I normally do, and kept them updated on the progress on the way there). On the way I got ou...
  2. Mandychelle79

    Models of nursing in Behavioral Health

    ummm Im not sure what we use. We all take care of all the patients. We have a charge nurse and a medication nurse, but if a patient requests a medication and the med nurse isnt available the charge nurse will give it. Any patient can approach any ...
  3. Mandychelle79

    "Holiday/year end" gift

    We got a letter and a staff dinner... that I was downstaffed the day of and didnt get to enjoy.
  4. Mandychelle79


    Look up urine drug screens... there is none that show what drug from the drug family you are positive for ( AKA... All Benzos will trigger as a benzo, not klonopin, ativan, xanax, all opiates will show opiate Heroin, Vicodin etc, )
  5. Mandychelle79

    My favorite med:

    After my horrible experience with it after having my son, I would have trouble giving it.
  6. Mandychelle79

    Making others faint and fall out at the dinner table

    Even though my mom is a nurse I can tell her some stories that make her gasp. My husband and my friends husband refuse to eat at the table with us.
  7. Mandychelle79

    Psychiatric patients and nurses have similar issues?

    Heck, the patients think half the staff needs help as much as they do. When they say it to me ( and I do have some underlying issues) I just say... see what effective coping skills can do to help.
  8. Mandychelle79

    Children's psych...

    But cant adult psych feel like being a mom to 24 bad children too. Especially when you the unit is mostly in their late teens to mid 20's. Throw in d&a and they are stagnated at the time they started so they may be 30 but functioning like a 15 ...
  9. Mandychelle79

    Any PEDS Emergency Psychiatry Nurses out there?

    The only pediatric psych emergencies I handle are my daughters :) But sounds like an interesting position. I am TRYING very very very very hard to get a psych nurse in our ER to handle the patients that are coming in, so potentially if they ever ap...
  10. Mandychelle79

    Homeless working the system, multiple admissions

    A little late to the party but We get those type of admissions too. We actually have a name for them when we call the doctor regarding the admission (One hospital seems to "cherry pick" admissions and we are the dumping ground). We just say its a &...
  11. Mandychelle79

    Tattoos in the workplace

    I have no problem with visible tattoos. Where I work as long as the tattoo is "tasteful" it is up to the manager if they can be visible or not. My coworker recently got a forearm tattoo and it is visible during the shift and she gets many positive ...
  12. Im an INFP- so pretty close. Love psych.
  13. Mandychelle79

    Your patients thoughts on YOU

    My patients ( specifically the ones who are there frequently) are very comfortable telling me what they think of me. Some ask me how in the heck I have the keys when I am as crazy as they are Some tell me I am one of the ones who treat them like they...
  14. Mandychelle79

    To lock or not to lock the rooms

    Our rooms are open at all times unless the patient has a personalized behavior plan in place. The behavior plan is usually to deal with people who are malingering.
  15. Mandychelle79

    Student sleeping daily on bus

    My son used to sleep on the bus all the time. To school only. Turns out he is phase shifted like his parents ( natural sleep times not in line with school times no matter how early we put him to bed he could not fall asleep till 3 am) and we ended ...
  16. Mandychelle79

    The Docs Who've Got Your Back

    Our main psychiatrist has my back all the time. I send him an unit update on what is going on the weekends he is not on call and he puts orders in from home when the covering drs are not listening to us. Actually most of the docs I work with are ve...
  17. Mandychelle79

    What makes a COB crusty?

    The medical beds on our unit are the hand cranked variety
  18. Mandychelle79

    Having a hard time saying 'no' to working overtime

    With my commute the unit already knows that I will only pick up 4 extra hours on days that I am already working. If they are calling me for a whole shift ( pet peeve, dont call me on Monday to work next Sunday, if there are only three scheduled inst...
  19. Mandychelle79

    My Very Special Snowflake

    I am sorry, I did not mean to offend. I know many patients who cannot work because of their mental health issue and do not feel that they are VSS. But there are those who play the system and want to have a dx so they dont have to work. This patien...
  20. Mandychelle79

    My Very Special Snowflake

    I have lots of special snowflakes... I work psych. My favorite though was when I was doing a one to one with a patient who was pouring it on. Trying to get ssdi because of their ADHD. Going on and on about how I had no clue what hell they go thro...
  21. Mandychelle79

    Saying No!

    I have no problem saying no. I usually just say, I will check the schedule when I get there and see what I can do to help. If the staff working are ones that will come in and help me when I am working short, I have no problem helping out. If it is...
  22. Mandychelle79

    Decompressing - HELP - 23 yo RN in distress! LOL

    Zombie hunting... Best stress relief I have found. AKA- house of the Dead 2 on the wii. There have been times where my negative coping skills creep in, which in turn makes me realize how hard it can be for the patients to utilize the skills. Ther...
  23. Mandychelle79

    Gotta love it

    Last night one of our frequent flyers said to me.... Mandy, youre touble... I said noooo ( in a sarcastic type of way, I am the trouble maker on the unit), he said, youre right, you are evil. To which I responded " Am I the root of all evil?" joking ...
  24. Mandychelle79

    Your Favorite Part

    My favorite part of my job is when a patient is talking to me, looks at me and says, I have never told anyone that before, and by finally trusting someone with the secret they have been holding onto for so long, they can finally begin to heal. My o...
  25. Mandychelle79

    Get Hired Today! What to say at a job interview.

    Honestly I did not agree to anything that I did not know going into the job. I knew I was going to have to work weekends, I knew I was going to have to work 3-11/11-7, I knew I was going to have to work holidays. It always amazes me that people wor...