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All Content by doublehelix

  1. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has a great chart they would be willin to share on growth and development of the fetus. I have found some based for teaching with parents, but am looking for something more...
  2. Chart for developmental milestones of fetus?

    I am looking for a week by week development chart that is aimed for nurses as a pocket guide. Sort of what you could find for moms like at what week organs develop but more geared for nurses. Ie, age...
  3. Chart for developmental milestones of fetus?

    Hopefully someone can help us
  4. Senior in NICU! Phone interview...

    Good Morning! For those who may remember, I posted months ago about wanting to do my senior in NICU following a job shadow. I applied for a NICU spot as my #1 choice for senior practicum, and was...
  5. NICU for Senior Practicum

    Hi everyone!I've been working as a HCA since before starting nursing, and always knew I loved acute care settings. I had my heart set on emerg for senior. I did a job shadow in NICU an ER at a nearby...
  6. NICU for Senior Practicum

    Not a problem. Most of Canada is experiencing a nursin shortage, over the past few years they have been bringing nurses in from the Philippines. We are very fortunate there should be many positions...
  7. NICU for Senior Practicum

    Hi, I'm from Manitoba,
  8. feeling like giving up.... all the time! :(

    This is true! Try doing job shadows, or look into other options for nursing... Home care, clinics, etc. I'm sure you will find something. All of us have felt discouraged at some point or another....
  9. NICU for Senior Practicum

    We have a fairly good job outlook here, currently there are around 800 nursing vacancies in my city, with 5 open positions in NICU currently. Thank you for sharing your
  10. NICU for Senior Practicum

    I'm also wondering, for those that did your senior in peds/neonatal areas, did you find it more difficult to write the RN exam, which I assume is mainly on adults? Thanks
  11. Personalizing Stethoscopes?

    Here is a question for all of you nursing students and graduate nurses... How did you personalize your stethoscope? I don't want to just write my name on it with permanent marker. I made an ID tag out...
  12. I'm in my second term of first year nursing in a new BN program, and for our very first rotation i'm one of the 7/225 students on a surgical unit. I have experience working on ortho as a HCA at my...
  13. Feeling overwhelmed

    I just need some support... I just started term two of my condensed 3 year BN program on Monday. Our lecture videos for skills class was posted Sunday night, so I figured I would get a head start and...
  14. I want the answer

    Since when do you give an insulin injection into the finger? Maybe I need to look in my book again. My bad, I misread the entire thread as checking for blood glucose levels, completely missed the...
  15. Failing barely

    There was a girl in my class who failed her skills (min of 60% to pass) by .7 of a percent, No joke you're going to have your good classes and your bad classes... even your good semesters and bad...
  16. I want the answer

    My class was taught NOT to use alcohol swabs because people will rarely let the finger dry before sticking & cause irritation, alter the result (not majorly but I guess still noticeably.) As with...
  17. Unbelievable this is hard!!!

    *shrug* I just respond to the content of the original message... I don't think I've ever gone to someone's profile to investigate their other posts. It wasn't my intent to be rude, but it would have...
  18. Should I learn nutrition?

    We do take nutrition as one of the courses, but as a nurse it isn't your duty to give advice & prescribe the diet. I would say nutrition is very important for pt education and to help them...
  19. Unbelievable this is hard!!!

    Yes, i'm confused. No information was given to suggest she is a highschool student, and since this is a nrsg forum, the assumption is the grade is regarding nrsg related courses... Knowing that she...
  20. Unbelievable this is hard!!!

    Wow, there really are a lot of posts similiar to these lately! I feel like a broken record... :lol: But NRSG school is a lot different from highschool. Even if you prepare, and memorize all your...
  21. How long do you study...

    LOL, sorry but I literally burst out laughing... an hour?? I study for 5-8 hours a night, and thats a good night. Nrsg school is way different from highschool. I had friends that study for 30...
  22. Do you correct your professor?

    Honestly, your posts really doesn't share much information to be able to give much insight... Personally, If I had felt something an instructor said was incorrect/I had a different view on it/studied...
  23. Graphing calculator for school?

    Ah, I always forget about stats. I feel awkward on this site constantly because in the US you guys have your pre-reqs, where as in CAD they are all part of our program, not offered seperately. Stats...
  24. Fainting....Please HELP!

    All of us either have, or will have experiences like this at some point! At least yours has a rational reason - i've had friends who have fainted while preparing a shower for a patient! :lol: but...
  25. Guidance for a new student.

    What exactly do you feel like your struggling in? You need to assess both your strengths and your downfalls... Nursing school is tough, and you will hear this a lot; most A students usually receive...