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All Content by breastfeedingRN

  1. first week on my own off to a BAD start...

    Well, my first week on my own is probably ruined. Apparently, I was scheduled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I didn't know that I was scheduled for Friday night and so I get a phone call at 7:15pm wondering if I knew I was on the schedule. I tol...
  2. What do you think is a fair salary for nurses?

    1. which is what i would make if i worked full time as a new grad. i only work part time though. yikes. the money i could be making. LOL. much prefer part time though. :)
  3. first week on my own off to a BAD start...

    thanks guys! no one said a thing to me and my first 2 nights on my own went well. sleeping is a whole different story though. LOL. i did talk to the AD about it because apparently they schedule it because i didn't have enough hours to keep my b...
  4. What is it like being on your own?

    i am liking being on my own. i am lucky to have great nurses that i work with who are always available if i have a question and our RP is awesome as well. i never feel alone. i do like finally being able to develop my own routine and not follow so...
  5. Can a new grad work part time?

    i work PT as a new grad. i work 2 12s a week and it is perfect. i do weekends so my DH can watch our daughter.
  6. just wondering. i don't like the idea of playing INS agent. if i wanted to do that, i wouldn't have gone to nursing school.
  7. Night Shift Survival

    I am a new grad as well, in Couplet Care and working part time. I do 2 nights in a row on weekends. You said you work part time. Is that 2 12s a week? Maybe you could split them up and work say Monday night, then Thursday or something. Then you ...
  8. bruising showing up later on newborn?

    hi all. i have a question for you. i had a baby the other day that came to the floor with his mom about 2 hours pp. i was with him during transition, did his bath and then he had an assessment done about 5 hours pp. i noted nothing abnormal on hi...
  9. bruising showing up later on newborn?

    we do a bilichek on all before discharge (and an MBR if it is in a certain range) and it is part of our teaching. i am very thorough when i do my teaching and always talk about jaundice and reporting it ASAP to get it checked. thanks for the remind...
  10. I don't fit into nursing& nurse eating

    First of all, sorry you are dealing with this. She needs to be reported to the manager ASAP. That is completely unprofessional and definitely abusive behavior. Don't leave nursing. I am a new grad and work at a wonderful hospital with wonderful...
  11. bruising showing up later on newborn?

    thanks. i hope that is why i didn't notice them. i probably wasn't look for them when he was under the warmer and when i was really looking was during the bath and he was screaming and during his assessment when he wasn't too happy to be messed aro...
  12. bruising showing up later on newborn?

    don't think they were mongolian spots. my daughter them on her back and they are still there. thanks though!! although a friend of mine told me that she has seen them "appear" 12 hours+ after birth of the baby.
  13. bruising showing up later on newborn?

    not that i saw. they were not huge bruises either, pretty faint. the nurse i was orienting with didn't seem worried about them. just told me to note them in the chart, which i did. i just didn't know why i hadn't seen them before. the only thi...
  14. How do you get/give report?

    Hi. Just wondering how others give/get report. I am a new grad and we are just trying out something new where I work. Before the change, it was nurse to nurse wherever you could find a private place. For a few weeks, it was a team effort. A few ...
  15. Attn all recent NCLEX-RN test takers! I need your help!!!

    i took mine early september. 75 questions. no new format questions. TONS of priority and delegation type questions. a few really rarely used medication questions. good luck!!
  16. Is medsurg a necessity for a new grad?

    hey! i think that med/surg could benefit anyone, but it really depends. i work mother/baby and didn't do med/surg. i am a new grad working there. it is all i really want to do, so why do med/surg? i say if your heart is elsewhere and you can ge...
  17. Any "C" student graduates???

    As I heard many times in nursing school. "A "C" gets the degree!" Grades mean nothing to whether a person will be a good nurse or not.
  18. NCLEX identification

    Hi. The same thing happened to me. I have 2 middle names as well. They had me as Jane M E Doe and my ID says Jane Mary Elizabeth Doe. I called the actual center 2 times and the national number 1 time. All times I was told that as long as the ini...
  19. It's official I FAILED

    sorry that you didn't pass. i have heard several people who got to stay in their job until they took it again. have you talked to your boss yet? try to stay positive. you WILL pass the NCLEX and will be a great nurse! start studying again and th...
  20. Speaking Up For Yourself in the Workplace

    are you a mother/baby nurse? i am a new grad on a mother/baby floor and got 4 weeks of orientation. i would have gotten 6, but since i did 3 weeks on the same floor before graduating, they felt 4 would be fine, since i know where everything is, cha...
  21. new BSN in postpartum nights?

    i am a new grad almost ready to "fly" on my own in a week on a mother/baby floor. i love it and it is plently busy. there are lots of opportunities for teaching and also those patient's that aren't doing so well and require good criticial thinking ...
  22. Young, Unfit, Drug Addicted, etc. Mothers

    like i said on another post. i try to connect with all my patients somehow. even if they are difficult for me for whatever reason. sometimes it is the simplest thing that i can kind of "relate" to. this helps me hold myself accountable for provid...
  23. what's your "soft spot" patient?

    i never seem to know what patient will just get to me. i am pretty sensitive, so someone always seems to hit my soft spot. i also try to connect with all my patient's somehow, even if they are difficult. makes me more accountable for providing th...
  24. HESI Exam as a predictor of NCLEX

    Hi all. I will be taking the NCLEX soon, finally. I am just waiting for my ATT. I am getting very very nervous. I didn't think I would be. I do good on tests and I just heard that our school had a 99% pass rate from the graduates of last semeste...
  25. I just took the nclex and I am freaking out

    positive vibes to both of you! hope you get your results quick!