HESI Exam as a predictor of NCLEX


Hi all. I will be taking the NCLEX soon, finally. I am just waiting for my ATT. I am getting very very nervous. I didn't think I would be. I do good on tests and I just heard that our school had a 99% pass rate from the graduates of last semester. I am the last one to take the test from my class I think, since I had to co-reqs to finish up after finishing the actual nursing program.

My question is for those who had to take the HESI as an exit exam or just because. Did it correctly predict how you would do? My score was 99.99, meaning pretty good chances I will pass the boards. I am hoping that it was right.

Anyway, I am doing lots of practice questions and reading up on stuff I am not that great on like ortho, since the test can hone in on your weaknesses.

Please let me know if you took the HESI, did it accurately predict?



We had to take a HESI to graduate- I also got 99.99 and passed my boards with 75 questions. We also had to take them after each subject. I truly believe they are an indicator of how you'll do. Our school has built in remediation if you get below 85% (Fail). The peope who need to be remediated go on to pass boards too- they just need a little extra practice. I know of one person in my class (60) that failed HESI and Failed boards-passed 2nd try. And one person who failed HESI 2 tries and passed boards on the first try.

The HESI is a predictor not a stone cold lock. But I would say- Congrats- you're on your way- keep doing questions.

Thanks. I cannot believe that I am so nervous. I can't stop thinking about the boards and that I really need to pass them the first time. I always do fine on tests, even when I am really nervous, but I never PAID so much for a test before. I can't even afford to have to take the test again.

I will keep studying until I have a date to test and will study till 2 days before. Then I will just rest and try to stay relaxed until the test date.

i took the hesi in school as required and did very well on it. the nclex exam is nothing like the hesi exam. the hesi exam is specified and isolated content that has a different format than the nclex. i though the hesi exam was much easire than the nclex. anyway, i did take the nclex in july and passed on 75 questions. i atribute my passing the test to the kaplan question trainer which is exacly like the nclex. it is the exact same fromat as the nclex and realy ealuates where your critical thinking skills are. good luck and i am sure you will do fine.

I am taking the HESI exit exam in 2 weeks and am feeling the exact same way as you. Completely nervous. I am envious of those that have scored 99.99 on Hesi's. We have to take course-related HESI's every semester and I got a 96 on psych, 86 on ob and 74 on med/surg. We must obtain a 90% or higher to graduate so I am just praying I'm in that range when I take it in 2 weeks.

I am taking the HESI exit exam in 2 weeks and am feeling the exact same way as you. Completely nervous. I am envious of those that have scored 99.99 on Hesi's. We have to take course-related HESI's every semester and I got a 96 on psych, 86 on ob and 74 on med/surg. We must obtain a 90% or higher to graduate so I am just praying I'm in that range when I take it in 2 weeks.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Research, ER, PACU, Pheresis.

I am looking for a HESI book online, but I don't have the ISBN#. Can someone help me out with that?



The only place you can buy the Hesi Reveiw manual is on their website. www.hesitest.com. I have been looking on Ebay for months, because I don't want to pay 49.00 plus tax. Good luck finding one.


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