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All Content by dance4life

  1. Anyone been to Montefiore in Bronx, Ny?

    I guess I was the only one who hated it. I was a float and went everywhere. But, I have great references from there so that is a plus.
  2. Day/Night Rotation...Why seeing more in Travel Jobs

    I just did one. I died. Won't do it again. But, their regular staff was doing it too. All of their New Grads are doing it. Big hospital. Magnet Hospital. One of the Top Hospitals. So I they are doing it you know it will be a trend. I have seen a few...
  3. Truestaff

    They don't offer what other agencies offer you, like mileage to the assignment. I have not ever received a so called bonus. Must be for only certain people and maybe they should start calling themselves "Liestaff". They have messed up on me 2 out of...
  4. New to travel nursing: looking for advice

    I like NYC. You will never be bored because there is always something to do on your days off. I don't work the ER but I would ask about ratio, at one hospital there wasn't one. The nurse was from CA and she was very concerned. NY at least the hospit...
  5. Who knew this was so LONELY????

    I hear ya. Social Networking, texting, and picking up the phone now and then is your best bet. The last place I worked I didn't fit in so I wasn't invited to anything. Plus being away from home and not getting to spend time with the people you know i...
  6. Truestaff

    I take it back bad bad bad.
  7. I have noticed something. Hospitals are canceling contracts for non-clinical reasons, just anything. A nurse was acting weird, she gave so-called so and so an attitude, I heard a rumor so it must be true, huh? lol. Is this a new trend? What as a Trav...
  8. Are Hospitals Cancelling Contracts Becoming a Trend?

    True words. When I bump into Travelers in hospitals we tend to "talk" about this. Here I don't know who is watching so I don't mention names. Anyhow, thank you for your insight as always. It isn't always this way I love Travel Nursing and I have met...
  9. Are Hospitals Cancelling Contracts Becoming a Trend?

    I see that could be a definite reason. But of course that isn't what I am talking about here. If someone has no clue what they are doing clinically the WTH are they soon there beats me? I hear you on that one. Hopefully, they a Manager is reading th...
  10. Travel nursing information

    The Gypsy Travel Nurse is a great website too.
  11. Who do you use to manage your housing?

    I have had luck doing it on my own for two years via Craigslist. I was able to sublet once in NYC which is probably impossible! The last two time the agency did it for me. Once via Travel Haven, which was AWESOME! Now I am having a hard time where Tr...
  12. Internet and/or cable when traveling..

    I have had it included for the past two years. This time I had to set it up myself. I know BestBuy has some kind of HotSpot Internet services you can buy too as they tried selling it to me last year but I just didn't have the time to look into it thi...
  13. What info do companies need to check references?

    I agree with Ned I have had a couple get frustrated that they couldn't reach via phone, that there policy stated they HAD to speak with someone. I usually have letters written before I leave or my agency has them fill evaluations out on their own te...
  14. Travel company you are happy with...

    I think that there are just too many out there to name. One I may have had a hard time with someone else might love or vice versa. Plus, what you are looking for in an assignment I might not want. There is a great website I stumbled across when Goog...
  15. Why do hospitals hire travellers?

    I actually have filled spots for people on Medical Leave like for surgeries or having babies. It was such a great place to work I hated to go, that being said they had no openings. Lol I have worked for places that they were getting busy, but at the ...
  16. Nurses with Bipolar Disorder

    Well, I asked for just days by giving my agency and the Managers a letter. It worked for this contract. I guess they like me because . I didn't think that would work. Next time when I take a travel assignment I will just see if I can do days versu...
  17. Thought I would have a job by now. Getting depressed

    I would definitely relocate. Hey that is what I had to do where I am from and I have experience.
  18. Nurses with Bipolar Disorder

    After reading these it gives me a clue as to why I go through what I go through sometimes. I was diagnosed midcareer. Unfortunately, choosing what shift I am going to work in this economy is so difficult. I can't even find a permanent job to save th...
  19. OK this is funny because every Magnet hospital I go to someone who doesn't work in HR or is NOT a hiring Manager just has to say they don't hire Associate Degree nurses. I have been asked to be hired at some other Magnet hospitals. Reasons like this,...
  20. I get asked about my salary, which I don't like discussing. Because we all know not every Agency offers the same thing and we are not all in it for the same things.
  21. This is odd to me as a Traveler who has worked in many hospitals across the country. I can't even land a permanent job because the hospital says they have no openings, but they hire two to three New Grads instead. Just thought it was getting better f...
  22. Why do nurses constantly say they don't hire ASN?

    And, I am still hearing, "Well at my hospital they are so strick..." When I bust out with the "You aren't in HR or a Hiring Manager how do you know?" They still stick with the same answer. It is the same debate as they don't hire New Grads, when the...
  23. Way too confused here. I applied for an EP lab position. I tried applying online but no one called me back of course. I mentioned it so the secretary on the floor I work on dropped it off there, because she knows someone. About an hour later the Man...
  24. Doesn't like my experience, but interviews me anyway?

    I know. But, I guess that is the way the business goes? Just have to keep on trucking.
  25. Doesn't like my experience, but interviews me anyway?

    I asked a hiring manager. I was just used as an interview body to say that a nurse was interviewed. It was a mean strategy but oh well. I couldn't delete my post.